:: grepninjalog ::GrepNinja's weblog is a somewhat ordered collection of thoughts and resources mostly related to software engineering. It simply tracks what GrepNinja finds technologically useful, interesting, or amusing at some given point in time. Warning: high techno-geek factor! | ||||||||||||||||||||
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:: Monday, November 25, 2002 :: ConTEXT - Programmers editor:: Friday, November 22, 2002 :: Xtreme Simplicity Design Patterns The Tcl'ers Wiki Unistellar Industries -- an apparently free space simulator game.:: Monday, November 18, 2002 :: elYsiun.com :: Render Your Imagination Distributed Transactions in Visual Basic .NET OpenOffice.org:: Tuesday, November 12, 2002 :: WebBrain.com - The smartest way to see the web! TheBrain Technologies Corporation Radiant Thinking:: Monday, November 11, 2002 :: Open Directory - Science: Astronomy: Software: Space Simulation Project1.home -- The beginnings of a game engine for an Open Source space simulator game. They are in early development hut do have some working code.:: Sunday, November 10, 2002 :: It looks like all of my archive files betweeh February 2001 and present have been lost. This is very disturbing, indeed! 101 things you can do in Mozilla -- perhaps a bit over-enthusiastic but good to look over.:: Friday, November 08, 2002 :: David Fox, a member of the exobox, Inc., team, is probably the person most responsible for the Magic Lens idea (see Composing Magic Lenses). David previously worked with Ken Perlin on Pad, which became Pad++, then Jazz, and is now turning into Piccolo (see the previous note on this. You can review David's impressive resume. AFAIK, David now works at Lindows. MKS:Software and Web Application Development Solutions -- Unix-like toolkits for Windows. Caution: these are commercial products and are not free. In particular, have a look at the NuTCRACKER service. You may see it, from time to time, when you look at services or processes on some machines you work on because one of your software vendors might be using it.:: Thursday, November 07, 2002 :: Smalltalk WebRing: -- but WATCH OUT for all the advertisements, etc. GemStone Systems, Real-Time Performance Software PRIVARIA Secure Networking Suite - An Open-Source, Firewall-Friendly Platform for Encrypted Peer-to-Peer Networking Home PC Firewall Guide The Shared Source CLI Beta Refresh -- "ROTOR". XWT -- The XML Windowing Toolkit:: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 :: Anti-Trojan Online-Check Trend Micro - Free online virus Scan EMSL: Spotlight - Collaboratory Pad++ has given way to Jazz which is, in turn, evolving into Piccolo. More on electronic notebooks::: Monday, November 04, 2002 :: Watch What I Do: Table of Contents Lambda the Ultimate Research Papers -- programming languages The Icon Implementation Book Lambda the Ultimate -- "The Programming Languages Weblog ". Harvest: A Distributed Search System Screenshots of Applications created with Squeak -- including exobox. Exobox -- overview Nate Robins - OpenGL - GLUT for Win32:: Friday, November 01, 2002 :: Pocket Smalltalk www.ardiri.com -- PilRC v2.9 Let's not forget: OSDN.com: The Open Source Development Network!
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