:: grepninjalog ::GrepNinja's weblog is a somewhat ordered collection of thoughts and resources mostly related to software engineering. It simply tracks what GrepNinja finds technologically useful, interesting, or amusing at some given point in time. Warning: high techno-geek factor! | ||||||||||||||||||||
:: welcome to grepninjalog :: bloghome | Grepninja :: | ||||||||||||||||||||
:: Monday, April 14, 2008 :: For anyone who may still use this old weblog of mine, I just want you to know that it looks like Blogger finally *did* recover my archives and that this weblog does pretty well consolidate Grepninja's musings from March 2000 through early 2004. My current technical weblog is Tobler.SoftwareArchitecture(). I have a few other weblogs on other topics. Be healthy! Be happy! Be creative!:: Tuesday, August 24, 2004 :: Python beginners, try A Byte of Python. This new tutorial is available for free download in several formats (I recommend the color PDF version). Python is fun and free!:: Thursday, June 10, 2004 :: Red Robin - Jython is an Eclipse plugin that "aims to provide most development facilities expected by a Jython developer." Plone is an Open Source content management system (CMS) built using Zope and Python. Plone can be used as a portal server, a groupware tool, a document publishing system, and other things.:: Wednesday, June 09, 2004 :: XML.com: What's New in WSDL 2.0 [May. 20, 2004] GrepNinjaLog is now reactivated! Blogger.com has implemented many changes and, as of today, I was able to republish my missing archives. It appears that the archive files from 2/28/2001 to 2/13/2003 have been restored and are now available. CSharpener's Weblog is still my main technical weblog but now that Blogger.com has restored the missing files, I will continue to post some information here. I have been able to implement a very convenient search capability on GrepNinjaLog, thanks to a free Atomz Express Search account provided by Atomz.com. You can perform basic search using the [::..Atomz Standard Search..::] box in the top left area of the page. Power users can use the [::..Atomz Advanced Search..::] at the bottom of the page. These tools are useful for finding things in the archives.:: Thursday, March 13, 2003 :: Please go to CSharpener's Blog, my new technical weblog. This weblog is now closed.:: Thursday, February 13, 2003 :: Sadly, I am closing GrepNinjaLog as of today. Why? Because the Blogger.com service has become crufty and blecherous. Blogger.com has apparently lost or trashed my archives from 2/28/2001 to the present and I have been unable to contact any human being at Blogger.com who will respond to, much less care about, the blogging tragedy they have caused for me. I have started a new technical weblog, CSharpener's Blog. You are welcome to follow my technical ramblings there!:: Thursday, January 09, 2003 :: The Mock Objects Test-Driven Development (TDD) methodology offesr some useful ideas and tools for your test-first development efforts.:: Monday, December 23, 2002 :: Interesting article: Usability and Open Source Software:: Thursday, December 12, 2002 :: Alias now makes the Maya Personal Learning Edition now available for Maya Complete 5 available for non-commercial use.:: Friday, December 06, 2002 ::
The Cover Pages provides a very useful Core Standards document: Cover Pages: Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL). The CoverPages Cover Pages: XML Metadata Interchange (XMI):: Wednesday, December 04, 2002 :: Really Slick Screensavers:: Monday, November 25, 2002 :: ConTEXT - Programmers editor:: Friday, November 22, 2002 :: Xtreme Simplicity Design Patterns The Tcl'ers Wiki Unistellar Industries -- an apparently free space simulator game.:: Monday, November 18, 2002 :: elYsiun.com :: Render Your Imagination Distributed Transactions in Visual Basic .NET OpenOffice.org:: Tuesday, November 12, 2002 :: WebBrain.com - The smartest way to see the web! TheBrain Technologies Corporation Radiant Thinking:: Monday, November 11, 2002 :: Open Directory - Science: Astronomy: Software: Space Simulation Project1.home -- The beginnings of a game engine for an Open Source space simulator game. They are in early development hut do have some working code.:: Sunday, November 10, 2002 :: It looks like all of my archive files betweeh February 2001 and present have been lost. This is very disturbing, indeed! 101 things you can do in Mozilla -- perhaps a bit over-enthusiastic but good to look over.:: Friday, November 08, 2002 :: David Fox, a member of the exobox, Inc., team, is probably the person most responsible for the Magic Lens idea (see Composing Magic Lenses). David previously worked with Ken Perlin on Pad, which became Pad++, then Jazz, and is now turning into Piccolo (see the previous note on this. You can review David's impressive resume. AFAIK, David now works at Lindows. MKS:Software and Web Application Development Solutions -- Unix-like toolkits for Windows. Caution: these are commercial products and are not free. In particular, have a look at the NuTCRACKER service. You may see it, from time to time, when you look at services or processes on some machines you work on because one of your software vendors might be using it.:: Thursday, November 07, 2002 :: Smalltalk WebRing: -- but WATCH OUT for all the advertisements, etc. GemStone Systems, Real-Time Performance Software PRIVARIA Secure Networking Suite - An Open-Source, Firewall-Friendly Platform for Encrypted Peer-to-Peer Networking Home PC Firewall Guide The Shared Source CLI Beta Refresh -- "ROTOR". XWT -- The XML Windowing Toolkit:: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 :: Anti-Trojan Online-Check Trend Micro - Free online virus Scan EMSL: Spotlight - Collaboratory Pad++ has given way to Jazz which is, in turn, evolving into Piccolo. More on electronic notebooks::: Monday, November 04, 2002 :: Watch What I Do: Table of Contents Lambda the Ultimate Research Papers -- programming languages The Icon Implementation Book Lambda the Ultimate -- "The Programming Languages Weblog ". Harvest: A Distributed Search System Screenshots of Applications created with Squeak -- including exobox. Exobox -- overview Nate Robins - OpenGL - GLUT for Win32:: Friday, November 01, 2002 :: Pocket Smalltalk www.ardiri.com -- PilRC v2.9 Let's not forget: OSDN.com: The Open Source Development Network!:: Thursday, October 31, 2002 :: comp.lang.functional Frequently Asked Questions (monthly posting) Internet FAQ Archives Cryptography FAQ Index Usenet FAQs By Category Neal Stephenson at The Well Counterpane Labs: Crypto-Links Counterpane Labs: Index of Crypto Papers Available Online Counterpane Labs: Solitaire Cyphernomicon Cryptonomicon cypher-FAQ Handbook of Applied Cryptography -- CRC Press has generously made all chapters available for free download! Pate Williams has also publicised many if not most of his algorithms. Bravo! Cryptonomicon.Net OpenGL Tutorials & Courses
Ken Perlin's homepage MAXcode.com - Your PERSONAL Resource - Game Programming in C @MAXcode.com - PART ONE MAXcode.com - Your Personal Resource ! angryCoder - Speak your mind... devCity.NET - article - Demystifying Microsoft Intermediate Language. Part 3 - Debugging devCity.NET - article - Demystifying Microsoft Intermediate Language. Part 2 - A Short Description of .NET Application devCity.NET - article - Demystifying Microsoft Intermediate Language. Part 1 - Introduction .NET CLR Profiling Services: Track Your Managed Components to Boost Application Performance -- MSDN Magazine, November 2001 CLR Debugging: Improve Your Understanding of .NET Internals by Building a Debugger for Managed Code O'Reilly Network: System.Drawing with C# [May. 20, 2002] ONDotnet.com -- O'Reilly jumps into the .NET fray. .netWire Home - The Source For Microsoft .NET News Planet Source Code -- a public source code database. Intrafoundation Software - Game Development Links .NET 247 : Guide - Windows Forms:Graphics & GDI Rent A Coder:How Software Gets Done Squeak GUI Building Tools Bookpool:: Monday, October 28, 2002 :: SMIX - Smalltalk Interchnage Format in XML XML.Smalltalk.org Main Page:: Sunday, October 27, 2002 :: Successful Lisp - Contents -- an online Lisp tutorial book. Google Search: CLisp documentation string group:comp.lang.lisp.*:: Saturday, October 26, 2002 :: Platform SDK Update Windows IT Library Snort.org -- Snort is billed as "The Open Source Network Intrusion Detection System." Cost = free. Gotta' love the Pig! richmac.org: Windows Installer - reading installer logs TopCoder Home:: Friday, October 25, 2002 :: Introduction to NUnit (for C#) -- C# Tutorial - CSharpFriends.com Simple Singleton Pattern in C# -- C# Tutorial - CSharpFriends.com GDI+ Drawing out side the lines -- C# Tutorial - CSharpFriends.com CSharpFriends.com C# Syntax Reference Card -- a Must Have from CSharpFriends.com. C# Corner: C# and .NET Developer's Network Tutorial: GDI Tutorial for Beginners C# Corner: C# and .NET Developer's Network Working with GDI Pens and Fonts C# Corner: C# and .NET Developer's Network BattleShips Game C# Corner: Creating Graphics with XML C# Corner: Space Breakout C# Corner: C# and .NET Developer's Network -- Graphics -- GDI+:: Thursday, October 24, 2002 :: Spyonit.com (on hiatus):: Wednesday, October 23, 2002 :: The Haskell School of Expression:: Monday, October 21, 2002 :: Cellular Automata - Digital Worlds Tutorial Isle Ex: Transmusic: Cellular Automaton Music Generate Cellular Automaton Cellular Automata and the Edge of Chaos Evolution project page The Temple of Alife International Society for Artificial Life StarLogo on the Web The Epistemology and Learning Group MIT Media Lab - Lifelong Kindergarten Group Exploring Emergence Cellular automata Discrete Dynamics Lab 3D Game of Life Artificial Life by Jpr : Cellular automata, genetic algorithms, biomorphs... Cellab: Getting Started cage: a "fairly generic and complete cellular automaton simulation engine in Python." Cafun cabrowser Open Directory - Science: Math: Chaos and Fractals Open Directory - Computers: Artificial Life: Cellular Automata
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