:: grepninjalog ::GrepNinja's weblog is a somewhat ordered collection of thoughts and resources mostly related to software engineering. It simply tracks what GrepNinja finds technologically useful, interesting, or amusing at some given point in time. Warning: high techno-geek factor! | ||||||||||||||||||||
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:: Thursday, October 31, 2002 :: comp.lang.functional Frequently Asked Questions (monthly posting) Internet FAQ Archives Cryptography FAQ Index Usenet FAQs By Category Neal Stephenson at The Well Counterpane Labs: Crypto-Links Counterpane Labs: Index of Crypto Papers Available Online Counterpane Labs: Solitaire Cyphernomicon Cryptonomicon cypher-FAQ Handbook of Applied Cryptography -- CRC Press has generously made all chapters available for free download! Pate Williams has also publicised many if not most of his algorithms. Bravo! Cryptonomicon.Net OpenGL Tutorials & Courses
Ken Perlin's homepage MAXcode.com - Your PERSONAL Resource - Game Programming in C @MAXcode.com - PART ONE MAXcode.com - Your Personal Resource ! angryCoder - Speak your mind... devCity.NET - article - Demystifying Microsoft Intermediate Language. Part 3 - Debugging devCity.NET - article - Demystifying Microsoft Intermediate Language. Part 2 - A Short Description of .NET Application devCity.NET - article - Demystifying Microsoft Intermediate Language. Part 1 - Introduction .NET CLR Profiling Services: Track Your Managed Components to Boost Application Performance -- MSDN Magazine, November 2001 CLR Debugging: Improve Your Understanding of .NET Internals by Building a Debugger for Managed Code O'Reilly Network: System.Drawing with C# [May. 20, 2002] ONDotnet.com -- O'Reilly jumps into the .NET fray. .netWire Home - The Source For Microsoft .NET News Planet Source Code -- a public source code database. Intrafoundation Software - Game Development Links .NET 247 : Guide - Windows Forms:Graphics & GDI Rent A Coder:How Software Gets Done Squeak GUI Building Tools Bookpool:: Monday, October 28, 2002 :: SMIX - Smalltalk Interchnage Format in XML XML.Smalltalk.org Main Page:: Sunday, October 27, 2002 :: Successful Lisp - Contents -- an online Lisp tutorial book. Google Search: CLisp documentation string group:comp.lang.lisp.*:: Saturday, October 26, 2002 :: Platform SDK Update Windows IT Library Snort.org -- Snort is billed as "The Open Source Network Intrusion Detection System." Cost = free. Gotta' love the Pig! richmac.org: Windows Installer - reading installer logs TopCoder Home:: Friday, October 25, 2002 :: Introduction to NUnit (for C#) -- C# Tutorial - CSharpFriends.com Simple Singleton Pattern in C# -- C# Tutorial - CSharpFriends.com GDI+ Drawing out side the lines -- C# Tutorial - CSharpFriends.com CSharpFriends.com C# Syntax Reference Card -- a Must Have from CSharpFriends.com. C# Corner: C# and .NET Developer's Network Tutorial: GDI Tutorial for Beginners C# Corner: C# and .NET Developer's Network Working with GDI Pens and Fonts C# Corner: C# and .NET Developer's Network BattleShips Game C# Corner: Creating Graphics with XML C# Corner: Space Breakout C# Corner: C# and .NET Developer's Network -- Graphics -- GDI+:: Thursday, October 24, 2002 :: Spyonit.com (on hiatus):: Wednesday, October 23, 2002 :: The Haskell School of Expression:: Monday, October 21, 2002 :: Cellular Automata - Digital Worlds Tutorial Isle Ex: Transmusic: Cellular Automaton Music Generate Cellular Automaton Cellular Automata and the Edge of Chaos Evolution project page The Temple of Alife International Society for Artificial Life StarLogo on the Web The Epistemology and Learning Group MIT Media Lab - Lifelong Kindergarten Group Exploring Emergence Cellular automata Discrete Dynamics Lab 3D Game of Life Artificial Life by Jpr : Cellular automata, genetic algorithms, biomorphs... Cellab: Getting Started cage: a "fairly generic and complete cellular automaton simulation engine in Python." Cafun cabrowser Open Directory - Science: Math: Chaos and Fractals Open Directory - Computers: Artificial Life: Cellular Automata:: Friday, October 18, 2002 :: NewsOne.Net - Free Usenet Newsgroup News The Poplog Programming Environment Poplog: Environment variables and running saved images:: Thursday, October 17, 2002 :: Global Open Source Poplog Library FREE POPLOG/POP11 POP11 Primer Open Source Poplog is a very cool multi-language software development environment that supports PROLOG, Common LISP, and Standard ML. Open Directory - Games: Board Games: Abstract: Connection Games: Hex Hex game information center:: Wednesday, October 16, 2002 :: NCHELP Common Manual describes the CommonLine format used for educational lending.:: Monday, October 14, 2002 :: tomsrtbt home page
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