:: grepninjalog ::GrepNinja's weblog is a somewhat ordered collection of thoughts and resources mostly related to software engineering. It simply tracks what GrepNinja finds technologically useful, interesting, or amusing at some given point in time. Warning: high techno-geek factor! | ||||||||||||||||||||
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:: Thursday, January 31, 2002 :: ONLamp.com: Design Patterns in Qt [Jan. 10, 2002]:: Wednesday, January 30, 2002 :: SmalltalkChronicles.net -- Dialect-neutral web-based magazine for Smalltalk developers. article: Elastolab - Real time Physics in Smalltalk Why Smalltalk - Supporting the Smalltalk Community Building a Windows Squeak VM Space art space image wallpaper desktop downloads sodaplay Beautiful Code BV Project Struck:: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 :: SqueakDot sd&m - software design & management (sd&m) Software Pioneers Converence NTML Authorization Proxy Server -- written in Python Coin3D, a 3D graphics library based on the Open Inventor 2.1 API, is publically available under the GLPL and is available under a "professional edition" license for proprietary use. FAQTs - Knowledge Base - FAQTS : Computers : Programming : Languages : Ruby Ruby for Robot AI Minds FLEA: Fractal Life Engine: NewzBot! Public USENET Resources for the Masses NewzBot! Public USENET Resources for the Masses Squeak: New Block Closure Version -- long awaited! How To Think Like A Computer Scientist -- The Java version. How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python -- an online HTML version. Green Tea Press is the homepage for various editions of How To Think Like a Computer Scientist (Learning with Python) and other related materials. Downey, Allen, How to Think Like a Computer Scientist , an Open Book Project (OBP). Also, see the Python Bibliotheca and the Linux Cookbook. OBP is hosted by iBiblio, "the public's library and digital archive." Squeak News -- "The Colorful Voice of Squeak." Actipro Software - .NET Framework Components -- Beta page:: Monday, January 28, 2002 :: C# Corner: Screen Capturing a Form in .NET - Using GDI in GDI+ Search the Internet - Tips from U.C. Berkeley Library Some resources for identifying file extensions::: Saturday, January 26, 2002 :: Dmoz: Science: Biology: Genetics: Software Some resources about Mathematical Biology, Computational Biology, Mathematical Chemistry, and Computational Chemistry::: Friday, January 25, 2002 :: Here are some links about genome, microscopy, and molecular images::: Thursday, January 24, 2002 :: Keyboard Releases Finger Pressure -- Yet Another New Keyboard (YANK)! An interesting article series by Eric E. Allen (eallen@cs.rice.edu), Ph.D. candidate, Java programming languages team, Rice University, December 2001, is available at developerWorks: Java technology : Diagnosing Java Code: Designing extensible applications: An exciting musical project: Looplabs.com! How New Technologies Could Revolutionize Big Telescope Designs How New Technologies Could Revolutionize Big Telescope Designs Ibiblio -- "the public's library and digital archive." Cafe con Leche XML News and Resources Wayback Machine -- the ultimate Internet archive?:: Wednesday, January 23, 2002 :: Checkout Dmoz: Science: Chemistry: Computational and some tremendous resources at Dmoz: Science: Chemistry: Education and a nice section on Dmoz: Science: Chemistry: Molecular Modeling. I was trying to assemble a list of online biology textbooks but the good ol' Open Directory Project (dmoz) already has one: Dmoz: Science: Biology: Education: Online Textbooks. In fact, let's see what Dmoz gives us for the more general search of "online textbooks". We can also do a Google search for "online textbook" and a Yahoo search for "online textbook". Kimball's Biology Pages -- this site amounts to a nice online Biology hypertextbook. Biology Links: Instructional Resources in Biology -- Harvard University Dept of Molecular & Cellular Biology. Ergito.com -- Virtual text -- "ergito aims to integrate knowledge across the life sciences into a single site." Free registration required but, sigh, it costs $39/year to actually use the molecular biology textbook, Genes 2000. . MIT Biology Hypertextbook -- a significant resource of basic molecular biology information. Internet Resources in Organic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry BioChemLinks Virtual Library: Science: Chemistry: Organic Chemistry Resources Programmer's Technical Reference for MSDOS and the IBM PC DOS Commands Reference DOS Help MS-DOS Reference New Block Closure Version available for Squeak Smalltalk Dot Net Magazine - Evaluate Your .NET Migration Risks Together® ControlCenter™ Rational Rose v2001: Visual Modeling, UML, Object-Oriented, Component-Based Development with Rational Rose Visual Object Modelers Home Page Metamill - The UML CASE Tool, Model UML diagrams and engineer Java, C and C# code:: Tuesday, January 22, 2002 :: DinkIT Listbar.NET - a new .NET control:: Monday, January 21, 2002 :: Precision Graphics Markup Language (PGML) ArgoUML Programmers Cookbook ArgoUML Developer Zone ArgoUML Project Home Page XML.com: PGML [Jun. 22, 1998]:: Sunday, January 20, 2002 :: A few bioinformatics related index links: Organic Chemistry Resources Worldwide The Human Genome Organization (HUGO) The Berkeley Drosophelia Genome Project (BDGP) is now separate from the Human Genome Project. DOE JOINT GENOME INSTITUTE A Gene Map of the Human Genome (1996) and GeneMap99: A New Gene Map of the Human Genome -- The International RH Mapping Consortium, The Book of Life Stanford Human Genome Center Human Genome Working Draft (UCSC) The Genome Database (GDB) UK - Human Genome Mapping Project Resource Centre (Funded by the MRC) Human Genome Research sponsors this Human Genome Project Information Site Genomics and Its Impact on Medicine and Society -- A 2001 Primer The E-Cell Project Projects -- Topic.Scientific/Engineering.Bioinformatics at Freshmeat.net Google Search: aspect+oriented+programming Thoughts on Aspect Oriented Programming Connections between Demeter/Adaptive Programming and Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) Software Design Area (SDA) at Xerox PARC. aspectJ.org Aspect Oriented Software Development The ICON Programming Language iUML by Kennedy Carter (commercial system):: Saturday, January 19, 2002 :: SciTE Editor Add's On at Burgaud.com:: Friday, January 18, 2002 :: Perl.com: The Source for Perl -- perl development, perl conferences perl.com: This Week on Perl 6 (6 - 12 Jan 2002) [Jan. 17, 2002] dev.perl.org - Perl 6 perl.com: Apocalypse 4 [Jan. 15, 2002]:: Thursday, January 17, 2002 :: .NET 247:: Wednesday, January 16, 2002 :: Navigate Skillfully Through MFC Dundas Software Ltd.: Ultimate Toolbox The Code Project - Toolbars & Docking Windows - Free Source code and Tutorials Toolbar - Table of Contents -- some answers about C++ toolbars (including floating) Adding Text to a Docking Toolbar (C++ VC6) WinCvs Daily Use Guide CS-RCS Version Control System for Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP refcards.com (tm) - The source for quick reference cards freedesktop.org, home of the X Desktop Group Python Web Programming: Home Page Lutz Roeder's Programming.NET C# VB CLR Actipro Software - .NET Framework Components Developer Express - Making RAD a Reality - XtraBars Suite Magic - The User Interface Library for C# Magic is a user interface library being developed in C# for use with the .NET environment. how to drop filenames to a form DotNet4all - Home Databinding in Windows Forms Microsoft .NET Framework Redistributable -- Final release bits released yesterday! Microsoft .NET Framework SDK -- Final release bits released yesterday!:: Tuesday, January 15, 2002 :: TheRemoveList.org:: Monday, January 14, 2002 :: The Code Project - Creation of Multiple Dynamic Views - Doc / View The Code Project - Handling Multiple Views on a Common Data Set - The C# Programming Language The Code Project - The C# Programming Language - Free Source code and Tutorials The Code Project - Doc / View - Free Source code and Tutorials Using the Document/View Architecture with a DLL Harbour Project -- a "free software compiler for the XBase superset language often referred to as Clipper." freshmeat.net: Editorials - Why You Might Want to Try Ruby SoapOpera - a SOAP-HTTP ORB SoapOpera is a SOAP-HTTP based ORB, currently runs on Squeak3.x Squeak Quick Reference:: Thursday, January 10, 2002 :: Utility: Registry Explorer C++ Virtual Library C++ FAQ LITE:: Wednesday, January 09, 2002 :: Control Spy Exposes the Clandestine Life of Windows Common Controls, Part I and Part II.:: Tuesday, January 08, 2002 :: C# Corner: C# and .NET Developer's Network -- C# Tutorials Microsoft at San Diego:: Monday, January 07, 2002 :: XML & C#: Make Web Browsing Easier Use C# and .NET to create XML hierarchical menus, enabling surfers to access nested pages directly. by Dan Wahlin A Practical Comparison of XSLT and ASP.NET Smalltalk.org Main Page Doxygen homepage -- A documentation generator for C++, Java, and IDL. Web C Plus Plus software by Jeffrey Bakker -- Create colorized HTML pages from source code. Free software.:: Friday, January 04, 2002 :: Infragistics, Inc. -- replaces Sheridan and now markets what were the Sheridan Controls.:: Thursday, January 03, 2002 :: The Human Genome Cleaning up junk in your Squeak image Open Source Development With CVS -- the free chapters.:: Wednesday, January 02, 2002 :: Smalltalk Tutorial for Java Programmers! VTK Home Page -- Main site for the Visualizatiobn Toolkit (VTK). 810:154 Dr. Scheme Pointers Dr. Scheme Installation The online user manual for DrScheme: PLT DrScheme: Programming Environment Manual Preliminary draft of a Scheme textbook using DrScheme: How to Design Programs: The Book ASPAlliance.com : Web Services ASP Free.com C# Class and Forms Generator Good bye to BeOS. Even though he never used it, Grepninja is sorry to see it go! CEO of software maker Be resigns - Tech News - CNET.com Tales of a BeOS Refugee
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