:: grepninjalog ::GrepNinja's weblog is a somewhat ordered collection of thoughts and resources mostly related to software engineering. It simply tracks what GrepNinja finds technologically useful, interesting, or amusing at some given point in time. Warning: high techno-geek factor! | ||||||||||||||||||||
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:: Monday, April 30, 2001 :: Simputer demos CollabNet - Better software through collaboration Open Sources: Voices from the Open Source Revolution:: Friday, April 27, 2001 :: Concurrency in E ERights.Org is the home of the E computer language. CHARMING PYTHON #13 (20000155) -- Functional Programming in Python -- is interesting and you can find more references about functional programming and Python with this Google search. Technical Pursuit Inc. does a web-based Smalltalk-like IDE with and for JavaScript (actually, ECMA Script). Actually, this is a *very* interesting product. They also sell a stand-alone IDE and other tools. This is commercial stuff, not free or Open Source (except what you can get via "view source" in your browser). www.oreilly.com -- Origin of Species: A History of O'Reilly Animals -- here's the rationale for the animals on the O'Reilly books. The Blender User Tutorials page.:: Thursday, April 26, 2001 :: San Diego Linux Users Group (SDLUG). XML.com: Perl XML Quickstart: The Perl XML Interfaces [Apr. 18, 2001] ASPN Python Cookbook:: Wednesday, April 25, 2001 :: The BlenderLab at OUD corporation has some superb examples of what you can do with the Open Source Blender software. Here is the main Squeak Fixes, Enhancements, Add-Ons ... archive. You get your stuff in here by posting to the Squeak list with special tags in your subject: "[FIX]", etc. A page for Squeak recommendations: CampSmalltalk: Propositions for Improvements. Cool! An Italian Linux zine: Benvenuti nel sito di Linux&C. Lua: reference manual The Programming Language Lua:: Tuesday, April 24, 2001 :: The RubyUnit(English) testing framework for Ruby. Linux VR Tools HOWTO -- This is the OS implementation used on the Agenda. LinuxHardware.org: Imagination is more important than knowledge . . . FreeOS.com: The Resource Center for Free Operating Systems Agenda Developer Zone This is one of the coolest devices I've seen lately. Agenda Linux - Your Portable PC is a handheld that runs on Linux VR3. Sigh. It looks like a "must have!" A nice thread page on Documentation tools. The Simkin Language looks like a very easy embeddable scripting language. "Simkin for Java and C++ is a free Open-Source product." Here is a page that tries to define "Re Factor." Patterns for Adaptive Programming (AP) Demeter Ideas in XML Connections between Demeter/Adaptive Programming and Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) Here is the home page for one somewhat famous law of refactoring, the Law Of Demeter. This apparently came from the Demeter Project, which seems to have more than a little importance in the Adaptive Programming (AP) approach. For an online book about AP, see Patterns for Adaptive Programming (AP).:: Monday, April 23, 2001 :: Unofficial MSXML XSLT FAQ:: Friday, April 20, 2001 :: Download Visual IRC '97 Here is an announcement of the new Wireless Knowledge Echo product: Wireless Knowledge Launcjes Revolutionary New Software For Mobilizing Enterprise Applications. First, bear in mind that I (GrepNinja) love Squeak. It is not above criticism, however, particularly from new people, and this new critique is an example of one fairly savvy novice's experience: "My Week With Squeak (a critique).":: Thursday, April 19, 2001 :: Downloading and Installing Harvest-NG VTK On-Line Manual. VTK is by Kitware. The Acme Architectural Description Language was the starting point for Architecture Description Markup Language (ADML). Architecture Description Markup Language (ADML) -- "ADML is a representation language for architecture...." ADML is related to Building Blocks Description Language (BBDL), which is part of the Open Group's Architecture Development Method..:: Wednesday, April 18, 2001 :: Keyword Extractor Applet Let's not forget Wine! Here's the Wine Development HQ site. Scintilla and SciTE theKompany.com | Products | BlackAdder | Overview -- "Black Adder is an application development environment that allows professional and hobbyist programmers alike to produce complex applications for the Windows and Linux platforms." Iowa -- Interpreted Objects for Web Applications, a Ruby based web framework. Joey's Smalltalk Vault Pocket Smalltalk An IBM-SMALLTALK centric Tutorial Yet Another Society home Screenshot of a Squeak image running on Simple DirectMedia Layer Is this the current Debian position on the Squeak license: Geocrawler.com - debian-legal - Squeak License DFSG free?? The Open Source Initiative: Open Source Definition SEUL/edu Homepage promotes "Simple End User Linux." Promote Squeak and Places to promote Squeak are, well, places to promote Squeak. The LART Pages The LART Pages The Simputer Project Ivan Tomek has graciously made the following Smalltalk textbook available online: VisualWorks: Joy of Smalltalk Slashdot | Smalltalk Solutions 2001 Trip Report Boston Globe Online / Business / Moving to be first in proteomics Some device OSes and related sites::: Tuesday, April 17, 2001 :: Slashdot | Programming Ruby Ruby: RubyChangeRequests Micro Java Network :. Wireless Developer 2000 Conference: an Overview -- article mentions RIM devices. MicroJava Network Craig's Basic BlackBerry 950 Site RIM Blackberry message board at PDAStreet.com. RIM Developer Zone's Discussion Forum. RIM Developer Resources at RimDev.com Article: RIM will support Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME) Two tutorial articles by Cameron Laird and Kathryn Soraiz on email: XML.com covers Perl & XML. XML Schemas: Best Practices Looks like we have another biotech buzzword, "Proteomics." Gee, I just got used to "genomics!" Here are some links. Genomics resource list from the PBS Nova special, "Cracking the Code of Life," presented on April 17, 2001: NOVA Online | Cracking the Code of Life | Resources.:: Monday, April 16, 2001 :: IBM has Intelligent Miner for Text - Summarization tool. Extractor: Text Summarization Software is now used in Copernic Summarizer. You can put an Extractor button on your browser. Copernic.com - Products - Copernic Summarizer TIPSTER Text Summarization Evaluation Conference (SUMMAC) Overview -- you can get the final report in postscript for this 1998 NIST evaluation conference about text summarization. Other sets of search terms for "automated summarization:" Open Directory - Reference: Knowledge Management: Knowledge Discovery has links to a number of resources that may relate to automated indexing and automated summarization. Now, this is interesting. An abstract of an article on the Automated Understanding of Diagrams . And I thought automated summarization of text was a "hard problem!" Summarization Resources -- some links on automated summarization. Smalltalk Industry Council Welcome to The Chaordic Alliance Ruby Documents Colin Steele's Home Page -- Colin is putting together The Ruby Cookbook. Generic Object Oriented Database Management System (GOODS) is implemented in an aspect oriented programming approach. Anders Bengtsson is considering writing a Ruby interface to this.:: Thursday, April 12, 2001 :: Squeak Online Book is here somewhere. Smalltalk Online Below, I am posting all the stuff I entered into the Greppery while Blogger was down this morning. Let's see if I can get it to post and publish here now. Note: Blogger was down this morning; so, I recorded some GrepNinjaLog entries there and then copied them here. Dustman, Andy, MySQLdb: a Python interface for MySQL. Data compression is on the GrepNinja mind these days. In particular, I am researching XML compression techniques and also am looking for methods suitable for compressing small payloads. I added some significant XML compression references to GrepNinjaLog yesterday. Let's gather a few links. Some data compression links::: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 :: ___GNOME on CYGWIN___ Kevin Wright - Building GNOME on cygwin [WAS RE: Need help compiling glib's libgmodule XMLPPM: XML-Conscious PPM Compression is now the core of a project at http://sourceforge.net/projects/xmlppm/. XML compression and XML compressors: The FREETYPE Project has a SourceForge mirror. wvWare: Breaking the Hegemony UWIN, by AT&T Labs Research, provides "a mechanism for building and running UNIX applications on Windows NT, Windows 98, and Windows 95 with few, if any, changes necessary." It looks like it's basically a Cygwin alternative but GrepNinja has not adequately confirmed this yet. UWIN is *not* free for commercial use; commercial licensing is available (looks like it is around $199 for single user through Wipro). One very cool "proof of concept" for UWIN is the Global Technologies, Ltd. port of the Linux Gnome Desktop for Windows. AT&T Research also provides a number of other interesting software tools. Read any license carefully before downloading and using any of this software! Recently, I have seen several references to the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI). I remember the Dublin Core from a number of years ago when some strange librarian-types started talking about some then-crazy ideas for having "interoperable metadata standards" for information on the Internet. Looks like they've come quite some distance from those days. GrepNinja hereby rates the Dublin Core as an instance of the MustKnowAbout class. Latest RSS News collects and presents information on RSS (RDF Site Summary or Rich Site Summary). RSS enables "syndication" of your websites. The site is maintained by Aaron Swartz, creator of Blogspace. Here are some basic Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) reference links::: Tuesday, April 10, 2001 :: book: Kernighan, Brian W. and Rob Pike, The Practice of Programming. Looks like the Lojban spoken language is still around. It used to be called Loglan, has a theoretically "unambiguous grammar," and is "computer parsable." Interesting, to say the least. Aspect-Oriented Programming Home Page iContract - The Java(tm) Design by Contract(tm) Tool Multi-Dimensional Separation of Concerns: Software Engineering using Hyperspaces The Brain Language Ruby.Weblogs.Com Ira Forman is the author of Putting Metaclasses to Work. The NeoClasstalk Home Page:: Monday, April 09, 2001 :: Q244651 - HOWTO: Creating a Shell Notification Icon from a Windows NT Service Windows 2000 Server Documentation Web Workshop - Mailing Lists and Newsgroups (Microsoft) ATL@DISCUSS.MICROSOFT.COM Sun Global Application Developer Corner (GADC) references: GADC - Recommended Reading. Unix Review.com Native Win32 ports of some GNU utilities GNU utilities for wIN32 -- not an emulation layer like Cygwin. The Open Group - integrating new technology across the enterprise You might have to register to get access to this: The Single UNIX Specification, Version 2. Fast Python xmlrpc implementation:: Friday, April 06, 2001 :: SCG/ Stéphane Ducasse is a French Squeaker. Ruby: EditorExtensions includes Emacs Extensions. xslj: An XSL to DSSSL Translator LTG software: LT XML is "an integrated set of XML tools and a developers' tool-kit, including a C-based API" that currently runs on Unix and Win32. The author of Just XML has created a practical XML demonstration site: FlixML Home Page. CataList, the official catalog of LISTSERV lists:: Thursday, April 05, 2001 :: Linux VR Tools HOWTO Seven hours long but good people say it's worth it: Engelbart's Unfinished Revolution A Symposium. Ruby Multi-dimensional Arrays:: Wednesday, April 04, 2001 :: IETF RFC Page has a form where you can enter an RFC number and get the information from the RFC repository maintined by the IETF Secretariat. This Squeak Swiki page on GUI Building Tools has some cool ideas and tools.:: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 :: The Jay Ponder Lab presents information and code related to what's going on at Folding@home. You can join the Folding@home effort by donating some of your unused processor cycles. This is a distributed processing venture similar to Seti@home, United Devices, and Entropia. Really, there are *a lot* of distributed processing projects these days and you should be able to find one that matches your interests. To check out some of these projects, you can do this Google search. I've been flustered, lately, because I once had a browser add-on that did really neat highlighting and annotation. After changing companies, I forgot the name of the service and where it was. Even using Google to search for "web page highlighter," etc., didn't help. Through my search, though, I found iHarvest, which is pretty cool and did much of what I wanted. Still, I found myself missing the mysterious tool I once had and finally I got an upgrade email from the company that makes the cool tool, EQuill.com. EQuill.com makes a whole set of products based around the notion of "visual markup." Some of these tools would, IMNSHO, be *great* for collaborative work. Do check them out! Chami.com is a grepninja favorite. Things you will find there include HTML-Kit, CodeColorizer, and Chami.com's Internet Tips. After ten years, you can no longer monitor the The Trojan Room Coffee Machine at the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory. A CNN.com article chronicles the bitter end: CNN.com - Sci-Tech - Web coffee pot goes off the boil - March 7, 2001. The last picture, of an empty pot :( is here but you can still get A (non-technical) biography about the system. Actually, ten years is quite remarkable, given the nature of "Internet time!" If, in this modern day, you want to control coffee pots via the Internet, please be aware that certain standards exist and that you should follow RFC 2324 Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol (HTCPCP/1.0) (Informational). Be sure to see the bibliography for important related documents.:: Monday, April 02, 2001 :: Long in development, the MicroSeeker finally had its first "wet test". For other information on the MicroSeeker, see the main HUV/MicroSeeker Page. LSWST Mini-FAQ -- about LSW Smalltalk A mirror of http://www.squeak.org can be found at Welcome to Squeak. The main Squeak site recently suffered an ISP meltdown. Cincom Home Page - Software and Services for E-Business -- Cincom Smalltalk now includes VisualWorks and ObjectStudio. You can get a free non-commercial version. See the return of Smalltalk Chronicles: Volume Three, Issue One, January 2001! Alen Holub & Associates -- A well known OO guru. Windows Software Updates - WindowsTracker.com An outstanding bit of geek humor: www.perl.com - Programming Parrot. Ed Yourdon's Recommended General Books on Technology Flow-Based Programming Cóndor - Python Language Stuffs -- contains some significant Python and Zope documentation as MS HTML Help files.
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