:: grepninjalog ::GrepNinja's weblog is a somewhat ordered collection of thoughts and resources mostly related to software engineering. It simply tracks what GrepNinja finds technologically useful, interesting, or amusing at some given point in time. Warning: high techno-geek factor! | ||||||||||||||||||||
:: welcome to grepninjalog :: bloghome | Grepninja :: | ||||||||||||||||||||
:: Wednesday, February 28, 2001 :: Bob's Super Swiki -- Looks like Bob Arning at work. Clemens Syzperski's book, Principles of Object-Oriented Software Development Nik Boyd - Papers includes some interesting papers on Bistro. JerryObject recently added a couple of categories to Dmoz: While I'm thinking about Dmoz.org, I'll point to a couple of other interesting resources. If you're interested in computing history, you might enjoy these: We also have a great alphabetically indexed list of people who have been important in computer science: For general C/C++ information, I can recommend these links: Open Directory - Computers: Artificial Life Resources : Artificial Life:: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 :: Here is the Numerical Python home page. Stackless Python comes highly recommended by some as an alternative to the normal Python distribution. I have not yet checked it out but intend to do so in the near future. FXPy is a Python binding for the FOX GUI library. BTW, don't forget about PyOpenGL -- The Python OpenGL Binding. Python Programming and VR -- a page by mcfletch, one of the PyOpenGL maintainers.:: Monday, February 26, 2001 :: CvsGui.org CVShome.org Install Ruby under Windows by The Pragmatic Programmers, LLC Programming Ruby: The Pragmatic Programmer's Guide A new Python column: developerWorks : Web services : The Python Web services Developer. EGenix.com -- Marc-Andre Lemburg and friends have a new Python-based company. ANN: eGenix.com mx Extensions -- Version 2.0.0 (mxODBC, mxDateTime, ...) Pippy: Python for the Palm ANNOUNCE: tclpython-1.0 Zope Directions Roadmap Functional Programming in Python developerWorks : Linux : Charming Python -- Getting version 2.0 ebXML Welcome Stroustrup: Bjarne's Homepage The Official Bluetooth SIG Website InViso has some interesting microdisplays and personal information devices. Havoc Pennington's guide to Working on Free Software. GTK+ Reference Documentation Project Havoc Pennington's home page Havoc Pennington's GTK+ book in the online HTML version: GTK+ / Gnome Application Development. OggVorbis is an Open, Free Audio system. Developer information is at the xiph.org: Ogg Vorbis Developer Site.:: Friday, February 23, 2001 :: Joel on Software The Joel Test: 12 Steps to Better Code StWritersCoop: A collaborative Book for Smalltalk Hobbiton offers free Unix shells on "a 640k x 272k DSL, an Athlon 650 with 192meg ram, 9 gig of UW-SCSI and 45 gig of IDE disk space, a nice VGA video card and a great amber monitor. ;)" Welcome to Nether.net -- I just got a free shell account here on a Solaris box. Automated Requirement Measurement (ARM) Tool does automated assessment of requirements documents, looking for "quality indicators." Software Assurance Technology Center (SATC) has lots of useful tools and information for software quality assurance. Building wxWindows programs with Visual C:: Thursday, February 22, 2001 :: Salon.com Free Software Project: Salon is asking us to help publish a "book" on Linux. Boost C Libraries QVCS -- Quma Version Control System -- Home Page MIT Oxygen Project PrivaSys - Technology Payment Solution -- a new credit card technology has some interesting aspects. wxWindows.org -- Home of a free C++ framework for cross-platform programming. The wxWindows framework is the basis for wxPython.:: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 :: W3Schools Online Web Tutorials ThoughtShare Communications -- Home of PlanBee.:: Tuesday, February 20, 2001 :: Genome Web -- "New media for the new biology." genomegateway at Nature.:: Friday, February 16, 2001 :: Network Security Resources - TCP/IP Port Numbers Well-known TCP/IP Port Numbers Making Smalltalk -- Forwarding page for a Smalltalk tutorial series. Making Smalltalk: The Making of aPerson LG #62 IP Spoofing LG #63 Downloading LinuxToday links and Linux Gazette's TOC with Python (and Perl) LG #63 The DICT Development Group:: Thursday, February 15, 2001 :: The Free Software Bazaar Softpanorama: (slightly skeptical) Open Source Software Educational Society The Open Source Page Microsoft exec calls Linux a threat to innovation - Tech News - CNET.com The Penguin Power Store Charles Cazabon's getmail -- A POP3 mail retriever written in Python (Linux). Dynamic Thinking, Tools for Innovation featuring VisiMap -- a US vendor for VisiMap.:: Wednesday, February 14, 2001 :: Entropia, Inc. -- A San Diego based distributed computing company that competes with UnitedDevices. How to Count by Brian Hayes ( American Scientist).:: Tuesday, February 13, 2001 :: Google acquires Deja's Usenet service -- looks like a lot of interface will be lost. This current link is to a beta service. BTW, Deja.com's "Precision Buying Service" went to eBay's Half.com. That may be good for the Usenet and group-oriented stuff. Human Genome Working Draft:: Monday, February 12, 2001 :: And Then There Was One -- Evhead's perspective on what's happening at Pyra, the originator of Blogger. XML.com: Entities: Handling Special Content [Jan. 31, 2001] Perl.com's www.perl.com - Quick Start with SOAP The OmniMark C/VM programming language is featured in the book XML and SOAP Programming for BizTalk™ Servers . For more information on OmniMark, see OmniMark Technologies Corporation. The Java Tutorial Jython FAQ Index Jython Home Page Guile Lovers' Unofficial Gleanings Guile (Main Page) -- "Guile is an interpreter for the Scheme programming language, packaged as a library which can be incorperated into your programs. Your users have full access to the interpreter, so guile itself can be extended, based on the needs of the user. The result is a scripting language tailored to your application." Guile Emacs -- integrates the Guile Scheme interpreter into Emacs along with ELisp.
Some Zope links: QUALCOMM Internet Services/BREW:: Friday, February 09, 2001 :: FREE POPLOG/POP11 This is HOT! See this DDJ article about DDD - Data Display Debugger - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF) Free Linux Shells with Telnet:: Thursday, February 08, 2001 :: developerWorks : Web architecture : What is ECMAScript? developerWorks : Linux : Charming Python -- Getting version 2.0 Zucotto Wireless -- Offers the WHITEboard SDK, "a platform and tools for developers focused on the rapid and robust design of wireless Java 2 MicroEdition (J2ME) applications and services." DevX Article: "The Status of Schemas." CNet's Linux Center CNet's Linux Center c o m p . l a n g . j a v a s c r i p t M E T A - F A Q View Source: All About JavaScript Common LISP Hints Lisp: CodeWarriorU.com -- online classrooms for free(TM).:: Wednesday, February 07, 2001 :: Jazz Home Page Python/C API Reference Manual Extending and Embedding the Python Interpreter Cluster Data Representation -- a prototype mentioned on http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/netverse-friends :: Tuesday, February 06, 2001 :: Novosoft UML API and the NSUML Project Page. NSUML is used in ArgoUML. Article about J2ME: Why Wireless Needs Java(TM) Technology PyUnit - a unit testing framework for Python:: Friday, February 02, 2001 :: Python-Aware Programmer Editors and IDEs Dive Into Python -- a free Python teaching book by Mark Pilgrim. Dive Into Python -- a free Python teaching book. Helix Code has been renamed as Ximian.com I changed my "public" email address today to grepninja@diganet.com. I re-ran the archives but I notice that archives for October and December are missing. Looks like Blogger dropped the ball on those. Introduction to Metadata Root Prompt -- Nothing but Unix Unix Guru Universe Linux Gazette etrieve - email evolved - listen to your email WAP.com - - Your guide to the wireless Internet, wap phones, wap services and PDAs IvanPeters.com is the new website for the Joust Outliner, a very nifty JavaScript site organizing tool. Billed as an "Outline Navigation System," Joust is one of the better entries in this category and has a liberal license. Dinkum C/C Library Reference C O R A N T E - Tech News. Filtered Daily. XML-RPC HOWTO Welcome to Zope.org Zope Newbie News - 2001 02 01:: Thursday, February 01, 2001 :: Chat-o-Rama Acronyms Catalog.com -- "Free Websitehost ISP with ASP, DSL, ADSL, Dedicated Hosting for your Free Web Site, Catalog Directory, Commerce, Merchant Account and Domain Transfer" This site has strong potential as a future home for Grepninja.com and Unology.com. Celera Genomics Group (CRA) -- sequenced the genome. Long term potential could be *huge*. Welcome to NuTec Sciences -- now getting into genetics supercomputing. Looks like it's still privately held, VC funded, and pre-IPO.
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