:: grepninjalog ::GrepNinja's weblog is a somewhat ordered collection of thoughts and resources mostly related to software engineering. It simply tracks what GrepNinja finds technologically useful, interesting, or amusing at some given point in time. Warning: high techno-geek factor! | ||||||||||||||||||||
:: welcome to grepninjalog :: bloghome | Grepninja :: | ||||||||||||||||||||
:: Wednesday, January 31, 2001 :: 1 Dollar Hosting -- cheapest I've seen yet! QUALCOMM's new Binary Runtime Environment for Wireless (BREW) Qualcomm The Adventures of ACTION ITEM!:: Tuesday, January 30, 2001 :: Joel on Software Daily Builds are Your Friend A subjective analysis of two high-level, object-oriented languages -- compares Python and Java but the comparisons are not only subjective but also vary almost chaotically.:: Monday, January 29, 2001 :: JDOM -- a project to "build a complete, Java-based solution for accessing, manipulating, and outputting XML data from Java code." Lavazza Lavazza JavaRE Project SourceForge site -- some day may give the reverse of ArgoUML. Someone on the ArgoUML list recommends this asa "best practices tutorial for UML: " Use case modeling tips: Techniques for better UML use case models." Microsoft has a UDDI - Universal Description Discovery and Integration project related to Web Services and the new .NET technologies. XML.Com article: "XML.com: Using XSL Formatting Objects [Jan. 17, 2001]." The article defines XSL Formatting Objects as "an XML-based markup language that lets you specify in great detail the pagination, layout, and styling information that will be applied to your content." At this time, XSL FO is not as practically usefull as XSLT but may be worth watching if you must create real, printed output from your XML-based data. The OpenOffice.org project has an XML Project that is developing an XML based file format. The project's mission is "to create an open and ubiquitous XML-based file format for office documents and to provide an open reference implementation for this format.":: Friday, January 26, 2001 :: Brand new: the Open Source Development Lab : OSDLab! Alchemy "Bringing the power of code refactoring to VisualAge for Java." TRL SOAP I registered grepninja.com! It's parked at http://www.grepninja.com/ with the RegisterFree.com service. RegisterFree is a cheap way to register your domain but when you park your site with them, they put up really tacky ads. Now I'm looking for a reasonably priced website hosting service for Grepninja.com. Here is one possibility: [ DreamHost : Hosting Plans : Crazy Domain Insane! ]:: Thursday, January 25, 2001 :: JUnit style of use on www.netbeans.org. Some key-for-me DevX Zones: Article: "Mining the 'Deep Web' With Specialized Drills" Televigation.com -- mobile phone navigation technology. Unix Insider SGML and XML News - 1999 Q1 from The XML Cover Pages. Squeezing Java into Smartphones:: Wednesday, January 24, 2001 :: LinuxWeekly.net Article: " Modeling Web Clients with UML and Rose" Here are some links to information about Rational's Purify: Things to Say When You're Losing a Technical Argument:: Tuesday, January 23, 2001 :: Hmmmmmmm, now, let's see: now we're looking at an open alternative to JSP which was a more-open alternative to ASP! Here it is: FreeMarker: An open alternative to JSP - JavaWorld January 2001. Interesting article: " DNA Computing" -- CNET.com - Tech Trends - Cutting-Edge Technology.
Search: " computational grids at ResearchIndex. Search: " computational grids" at Google Search Search: " Computational Grids" at Webtop.com. The Grid: blueprint for a new computing infrastructure -- entry at Powell's Books:: Monday, January 22, 2001 :: Java(TM) 2 Platform, Micro Edition -- for smart cards and handhelds.:: Friday, January 19, 2001 :: IDI Software Component Library: Money Class (C ) Caml (general) FAQ and One hundred lines of Caml. Mancl, Dennis Flatt, Matthew, dissertation VOLUME V - NC3 COMMON OPERATING ENVIRONMENT (NCOE) -- part of the NATO C3 TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURE: A NEW "OPEN SYSTEMS" APPROACH FOR NATO . The OperatingSystem Developers Homepage The OSKit Project -- I think this was once the FLUX OS Toolkit. Wutka, et. al. PC Magazine: Reusable Binary Components (03/12/96) ASE Conferences Best Papers -- Automated Software Engineering Conference On-line Bibliographe (ASE-OLB) "Working With Reusable Components" [Reggie's Corner]. Methodology.org for eBusiness Development & Programming ResearchIndex [The NECI Scientific Literature Digital Library]. Has a Computer Science Directory and indexes lots of papers and citations. A small software reuse booklist: Software Reuse Simon St. Laurent has a nice site with lots of XML information. See his Articles and Essays page. Of particular note to me, at the moment, is : Java, XML, and a New World of Open Components. Check out the bibliography in Identifying and Analyzing Reusable Components. View Source: Java Beans - An Architecture For Reusable Software Components JSky: Building a Library of Reusable Java Components for Astronomy Building a bevy of beans: Create reusable JavaBeans components - JavaWorld September 1997 WISR'93: 6th Annual Workshop on Software Reuse Summary and Working Group Reports Van Sickle, Truman T. The OSU Reusable Software Research Group (RSRG), part of the Department of Computer and Information Science at The Ohio State University, offers the RSRG Annotated Bibliography snd RSRG Reusable Components (Code and Tools). Msdn Online Library article: " Debugging Distributed Web Applications." Microsoft TechNet's E-Commerce White Paper Series. This Microsoft MSDN article may help you eliminate those 404 (Not Found) errors on your website: "Web Workshop - Creating a 404 Error Tracker with Visual Basic 6.0." This Microsoft MSDN article is a "must read": " Diagnostic Hooks.":: Thursday, January 18, 2001 :: Institute for War & Peace Reporting (IWPR). Skonnard, Aaron Miller, Rick, " Static Polymorphism: Writing Reusable Code Using Templates." Mancl, Dennis The Essential C/C++ Reading List at C/C++ Users Journal (CUJ). Chuck Allison's Fresh Sources site links to many of his articles on C, C++, and Java. . Chuck Allison on Error Handling: Some online C++-related books: The Epeios Project has produced some GPL libraries. There are some interesting thoughts in this sketch of the Error Handling and Diagnostic Facility contained in The Base One Foundation Class Library (BFC) -- an object-oriented framework for building Windows database applications, a Visual C++ framework. The Software Diagnostics and Conformance Testing Division (SDCT) part of the Information Technology Laboratory at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). This article poses some interesting questions about software reuse: "Trade-offs of Self-contained Libraries." .:: Wednesday, January 17, 2001 :: WAP browser @ Gelon.net Wireless Business & Technology magazine Article: The how, what, and when of VPN: You asked the questions, we found the answers from TechRepublic. Register yourself and your Linux machines at: The Linux Counter.:: Tuesday, January 16, 2001 :: SoapRPC.com: The resource center for SOAP and Web Services SoapRPC.com: Glossary Weblog Unleashed - Mother of Perl - WebReference.com Greymatter - Weblog/Journal Software -- Noah Grey put this Blogger alternative together. After some Blogger performance problems, a large number of users migrated to using Greymatter and piled their demands onto Grey until he decided he needed to escape from the monster he created. Looks like he's trying to turn it over to others. Molto Interessante: XMLRPC over Jabber! A List Apart: Using XSLT to Transform XML evolt.org a community of web designers. A List Apart: For People Who Make Websites Programming Apache SOAP Introduction to CVS. The Java Language Specification -- onliine access to this fundamental book on the Java programming language. Code Conventions for the Java(TM) Programming Language: Contents -- A Java style sheet on the http://java.sun.com/ site. <soap:wrc/> -- SOAP - WebServices Resource Center offers "a centralized location to share news, links and resources relating to SOAP and Webservice development on any platform capable of hosting XML application architectures.":: Monday, January 15, 2001 :: SWISH-Enhanced - Digital Library SunSITE -- Simple Web Indexing System for Humans - Enhanced. ht://Dig: Overview -- a search engine for your site? PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor -- PHP 4.0.4 is now available. NSUML API -- The UML model beneath ArgoUML. Hmmm. Maybe we'll have Tron 2.0 after all!:: Friday, January 12, 2001 :: The Brain Language - "a high-level, purely object-oriented, prototype based scripting language. It's syntax is similar to Smalltalk and it borrows features from languages like Scheme, Self and JavaScript." Mulberry Technologies -- Quick References for XML and XSLT.:: Thursday, January 11, 2001 :: Programming in Emacs Lisp - Your .emacs File Outillage UML -- a list of UML resources (French) Welcome to the SICP Web Site The very unofficial dotemacs home:: Wednesday, January 10, 2001 :: Mike Hinchey has put together a nice list of ArgoUML Resources. DrScheme Home Page Mailgate.ORG Web Server is a "gateway service that allows to read messages of the newsgroups within a web browser." Here is the index for comp.*. It is helpful to have something like this when your company does not provide a Usenet server or when you just want to browse from the Web. ! Aware. Programmer's Webliography and Index -- an unusual approach at an adaptive indexing system. Keep an eye on it! Bistro is "a new programming language that integrates the best features of Smalltalk and Java™. Bistro is a variation of Smalltalk that runs on top of any Java™ virtual machine (VM) that conforms to Sun's Java™ specifications." FileWatcher.org is "a combination of a filename search engine, a file description (lsm, rpm) search engine, a software directory and an announce service.":: Tuesday, January 09, 2001 :: To become a Squeak "test pilot" see this page: Squeak Alpha Testing Some W3C links on XML and XML-related topics: XML Spy Online Manual. XML Editor: XML Spy - the first true IDE for XML -- I am told this is currently the best XML editor available.:: Monday, January 08, 2001 :: XSL Transformations (XSLT) -- Version 1.1 W3C Working Draft 12 December 2000. Introduction to Pliant Programming Language Introduction to Pliant Programming Language Live ASCII video at d y n e . o r g and ttyvideo.:: Friday, January 05, 2001 :: elj-win32: a free SmallEiffel win32 Distrubition I have avoided this far too long: The Lex and Yacc Page. Also, there are a lot of neat toys at the Compilerconstruction.org. Thomas Genssler's Homepage -- Genssler worked on "Transforming Object-Oriented Design using Design Patterns" (TROOP), one of the elements now incorporated into the Together CASE tool. Gennsler has several other projects in progress and is still associated with the Forschungszentrum Informatik (FZI), known in English as the FZI Research Center for Information Technologies, at the University of Karlsruhe. JavaRanch - a friendly place for Java greenhorns -- This site seems really odd! UML Cafe ArgoUML is an Open Source Java-based UML design tool. Tigris.org is "a mid-sized open source community focused on building better tools for collaborative software development". Among other tools, Tigris hosts the ArgoUML Project.:: Thursday, January 04, 2001 :: Web Workshop - Design and User Interface Inspirations at Microsoft The Will and the Word: A Philosophy of Programming Info-ZIP's UnZip -- claims to be: "The Third Most Portable Program in the World!" Pliant - release 44 -- yet another new free language. The site describes it this way: "As a summary: Pliant is typed-Lisp + C++ + reflective-C in one language." 10-Minute Solutions -- Overriding New and Delete:: Tuesday, January 02, 2001 :: Reminder:
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