:: grepninjalog ::GrepNinja's weblog is a somewhat ordered collection of thoughts and resources mostly related to software engineering. It simply tracks what GrepNinja finds technologically useful, interesting, or amusing at some given point in time. Warning: high techno-geek factor! | ||||||||||||||||||||
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:: Thursday, December 28, 2000 :: Computer Science Links (Pearce at sjsu.edu) . An NT port exists for MET++, an extension of the ET++ framework. Apps.com purports to connect you to sites with "Web apps," mostly free or inexpensive sites with applications that run in your browser.:: Wednesday, December 27, 2000 :: The Joust Outliner has a new home. Alchemy Computing was bought by MITEM Corporation earlier this year and the old site no longer exists. Joust is a JavaScript-based Outline Navigation System for Websites. It's pretty cool!:: Friday, December 22, 2000 :: Visual C 5.0 Simplifies the Process for Developing and Using COM Objects , MSJ May 1997:: Thursday, December 21, 2000 :: Beyond Objects columns from Software Development Online. JUnit.org -- Testing Resources for Extreme Programming. "Keep the bar green to keep the code clean...":: Wednesday, December 20, 2000 :: Artefaktur Component Development Kit (ACDK) -- a platform independent library for generating distributed server-based components and applications. SourceForge: Project Info - Log library for C++ Cliser is middleware for building client-server systems. Cliser is open-source freeware designed by Joel Adams, and implemented by Joel Adams and Ryan VanderBijl. Its development was supported by funding from The Council for Internation Exchange of Scholars (CIES), and the Calvin College Science Division. Some resources for graphics-related libraries: SourceForge: Project Info - Achilles -- An OpenGL simulation of artificial life and artificial evolution using neural networks and genetic algorithms based on Larry Yaeger's PolyWorld. LGI-3000W/TP-3000 Genetic Programming C++ Class Library ARM Ltd Homepage C# Language Specification The ISO/ANSI C++ Draft MorphCGI Class Library -- mostly for Linux but NT port expected. Looks like it is proprietary. Message Passing Interface (MPI) Forum Home Page Introduction to the ActiveMovie C++ Class Library User's Guide to the GNU C++ Library The C++ Scalar, Vector, Matrix and Tensor Class Library Standard Page (SVMT). ImageLib: An Image Processing C++ Class Library:: Monday, December 18, 2000 :: MSIAC's M&S Journal Online -- Fall 2000 SISO News -- Simulation Technology Magazine. Welcome to the DMSO MSRR -- a collection of Modeling and Simulation Resources provided by the Defense Modeling and Simulation Office (DMSO). ASPWatch : Advanced Error Logging in ASP Here is an interesting MSDN article on error handling: Propagate Error Info: Use ATL and C++ to Implement Error-Handling COM Objects. ACCU Reviews: Building Portable C Applications with YACL The Cygwin User's Guide explains the basics of how to use Cygwin, the GNU + Cygnus + Windows ports of various GNU development tools for Windows 95, 98, and NT. The resulting toolset is very Linux/Unix-like. OSE Class Library Online Documentation (Version 6.0) Dumpleton Software Consulting - The Home of OSE -- OSE is a C/C++ class library mostly targeted at Linux. If I remember correctly, OSE contains lots of interesting and useful stuff and it was a winner of "Best implementation of a reusable development environment for company deployment" at CODA'94, the Computer World Object Developer Awards. A list of some available C++ class libraries: C Class Libraries and Packages v1.1 YACL - Yet Another Class Library (1.1) -- This is an old description of YACL. The book has been published. Don Box - The Drive to 2005 and Beyond -- Don's page has many interesting references, mostly on XML and COM. Yet Another COM Library (YACL) - Preview -- Note that this is *not* the generally referenced YACL (Yet Another Class Library). This is by Don Box, who is a recognized author and who wrote a "standard" COM book.:: Friday, December 15, 2000 :: STARONLCORE List Archive: a STAR C class library (FW) r Visual C 5.0 Standard C Library FAQ C++ Libraries FAQ Available C/C++ Libraries FAQ thefreecountry.com: Free C/C Libraries and Source Code MFX C++ Class Library Open Directory - Computers: Programming: Languages: C : Class Libraries VWCL Virtual Windows Class Library GNU Emacs FAQ for Windows NT and Windows 95/98 Linux Cross-Reference Linux Source Navigator timeanddate.com:: Thursday, December 14, 2000 :: Time and Time Zones
A Web-based C++/Java code beautifier C[++] related stuff A Web-based Postscript(R) to Portable Document Format (PDF) converter. A Web-based P R E T T Y P R I N T E R for Oberon, Java, C/C++, Perl, and Tex -- creates Postscript (ps) files. The Cetus Links section on Object-Oriented Language: C++, CSharp C++ FAQ List at www.faqs.org. C++ FAQ (Part 1) at rtfm.mit.edu. Open Directory - Computers:Programming:Languages:C :FAQs FREQUENTLY-ASKED-QUESTIONS FOR COMP.LANG.C++ C++ FAQ Index Pprint home page -- a Postscript pretty-printer for C/C++/Verilog and text GWD Text Editor - Programmers Text Editor for Windows:: Friday, December 08, 2000 :: AceHTML Freeware, The Most Advanced Freeware HTML Editor:: Thursday, December 07, 2000 :: CNET.com - News - Enterprise Computing - Sun links Java, XML languages for online business This interesting Ubiquitous Computing page is part of Mark Weiser's site. Weiser is the father of ubiquitous computing.:: Wednesday, December 06, 2000 :: Kernel-Panic is a Linux users' group in San Diego.:: Tuesday, December 05, 2000 :: Getting Out of the Software Mud Pit is an article on Refactoring. XML Schema will probably soon be an essential technology for XML developers. Eric van der Vlist has given us the first half of a neat tutorial: " XML.com: Using XML Schemas." Project Pengachu: Cheap Wireless Linux for Everyone Python.Scripting : Python, XML-RPC and SOAP Radio UserLand : The Live Outline Tool Radio UserLand : How to use the outliner This article looks to be well worth reading: "O'Reilly Network: XML-RPC in Python." By the way, one of my favorite information sources is Dave Winer's Scripting News and quite a few of my links come from there. "Stepping through a site navigator applet - JavaWorld January 1997" has java code for a Java outline displayer. Blogger has a new interface for wireless access to your weblogs, the "Blogger Wireless Edition." I have not been able to find out a whole lot about it from the main Blogger site but there is new wireless.blogger.com site for use with connected PDAs such as a Palm VII or modem equipped Palm V unit. See this discussion page for more details. Expandable Outlines - webreference.com -- "creating expandable/collapsable outlines in both browsers." Some interesting information on doing outlines with DHTML and CSS. Handango.com is a handheld solutions vendor. Inessential.com - Brent Simmons' weblog.
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