:: grepninjalog ::GrepNinja's weblog is a somewhat ordered collection of thoughts and resources mostly related to software engineering. It simply tracks what GrepNinja finds technologically useful, interesting, or amusing at some given point in time. Warning: high techno-geek factor! | ||||||||||||||||||||
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:: Wednesday, November 22, 2000 :: AnywhereYouGo.com IBM Software : Application Development : VisualAge Smalltalk : Overview Google now has a special search engine featuring Linux information: Google Search: The Apache Project is currently spawning a host of significant Open Source development projects, including xml.apache.org. The Jakarta Project has an interesting Java-based build tool called Ant. Ant uses XML configuration files and hypothetically replaces make. developerWorks : Java technology : Incremental development with Ant and JUnit:: Monday, November 20, 2000 :: Object Design Articles at the Wirfs-Brock Associates site (Rebecca Wirfs-Brock and Alan McKean). Get your cable modem working with Linux IBM's developerWorks has a Linux Library including some very interesting papers and resource guides. Worth a look: Chris Seguin's Software::JRefactory and Software::Pretty (a Java pretty printer). Note that Chris's work mostly supports the Elixir IDE, which is a commercial product.:: Friday, November 17, 2000 :: Fontage - Indexed Free True Type Fonts:: Wednesday, November 15, 2000 :: Homepage of Thomas E. Dickey, who develops and maintains several interesting utility programs. The RAR Archiver Site features the RAR and WinRAR compression utilities.:: Monday, November 13, 2000 :: F-Secure Web - Main index - an anti-virus site.:: Friday, November 10, 2000 :: Here is the main CPAN/doc site for Perl documentation. Here is the "perlre" documentation on Perl regular expressions: perlre - Perl regular expressions.:: Wednesday, November 08, 2000 :: Here's the location of Eric Arseneau's Smalltalk Interchange File Facility code at his PocketSmalltalk site. OSDN: Open Source Development Network -- Here's what the site says about itself:The Open Source Development Network [OSDN] brings many of the Open Source community's favorite gathering places together and makes it easier to move between them. SourceForge, freshmeat, Linux.com, Themes.org, Slashdot, and our other Web sites will stay as independent as ever, but now you'll be able to access all of them -- and other useful Open Source sites -- from a central entry point: OSDN.com. This is a reminder link to the Refactoring Browser page and the Refactoring Browser News page. Bob Hartwig's version is still available but may be out of date. Rumor has it that the Camp Smalltalk people have been working on the RB recently. See also John Macintosh's Camp Smalltalk (July 17-20th 2000) trip report and his OOPSLA 2000 trip report.:: Tuesday, November 07, 2000 :: ArgoUML is an Open Source UML "Cognitive CASE Tool." The system is written in Java and has many features. The new version runs under Java 2 (Java 1.2 and Java 1.3).:: Monday, November 06, 2000 :: The race is on: Symbian, Microsoft compete in mobile-phone software SourceForge: Project Info - httpunit is "a Java library for the automatic stimulation and testing of web applications." Use along with JUnit. There is also J2EEUnit for unit testing server-side java code (try Servlet & JSP code that needs valid HTTP request, etc.). Asynchrony and OpenAvenue have entered a partnership. Asynchrony is "a unique new virtual community for software developers." OpenAvenue will bring their Web-based OAsis collaborative tool set to the table. Asynchrony aims to help developers make money on Open Source projects.:: Friday, November 03, 2000 :: Rearchiving and template modifications completed. GrepNinjaLog has a new look! It really was pretty primitive before but, frankly, I'm far more interested in content than glitz. It looks like I'm done with the template adjustments for now, so I will re-archive everything next. I'm switching templates. I may have to make a couple adjustments today to get things running smoothly.
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