:: grepninjalog ::GrepNinja's weblog is a somewhat ordered collection of thoughts and resources mostly related to software engineering. It simply tracks what GrepNinja finds technologically useful, interesting, or amusing at some given point in time. Warning: high techno-geek factor! | ||||||||||||||||||||
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:: Tuesday, October 31, 2000 :: M$ strikes again: ITworld.com - C#, the natural progression. Prognosis - UNIX is a commercial systems management system. Good article on Wireless : TheStandard.com: Grok - Wireless. Article: ZDNet: eWEEK: Dev tool goes open source -- Panther Open Source Software for Linux (POSSL), by JYACC Inc., is going Open Source. The VWCL C Class Library is a "public, Open Source, and free C++ class library for Windows and Linux/UNIX development." Wator is a Java Applet written for fun by Robert C. Martin of Objectmentor.com.:: Monday, October 30, 2000 :: Mark Edel Answers Project Leadership Questions -- an interesting thread on Slashdot. Welcome to NEdit.org -- Nedit is "a multi-purpose text editor for the X Window System.":: Friday, October 27, 2000 :: How To Write Unmaintainable Code Behavior! home page -- a modelling tool in beta stage as a research project. Extreme Programming Roadmap Martin Fowler recomends Continuous Integration as an XP practice. Thoughtworks.com -- Martin Fowler works here and likes it. Here is the website of Martin Fowler, the author of Refactoring : Improving the Design of Existing Code, among other books. Fowler has recently written Planning Extreme Programming along with Kent Beck.:: Thursday, October 26, 2000 :: The Tech Museum: Robotics: Sensing, Thinking, Acting A business-to-business news and information site: Line56.com | B2B E-Commerce. .NET Framework SDK, Visual Studio.NET, and ASP Developer Resources:: Wednesday, October 25, 2000 :: Some links toward Linux on Palm::: Tuesday, October 24, 2000 :: Dandelion is a Squeak "Smalltalk code analysis/output framework." Mostly for Java on devices: devicetop.com. They have a big contest right now (Oct 2000). Smalltalk/JVM Collaborative Software Laboratory -- "Goal: achieving Alan Kay's long delayed dream of creating collaborative Dynabooks.":: Monday, October 23, 2000 :: Linux.com - Voice-Over-IP For Linux -- several available alternatives. ZeroKnowledge has announced that it will OpenSource its Freedom client. The Linux version is available and the Windows version is coming. Be aware that while the client is "free" and Open Source, certain features depend on the Freedom Network, which is not free. Caveat emptor. Actually, I wonder what the "caveat" should be when you're not an "emptor" but are getting something for free? I'll have to think about that one! NewsForge: Open Source News -- free registration, looks pretty decent. PocketLinux.com -- The site claims that PocketLinux is "a complete platform that provides an end-to-end solution for building unified, standardized and open information communications infrastructure across the entire spectrum of computer systems. PocketLinux is the first Open Source framework to leverage a common software architecture to deliver consistent services to all users. PocketLinux is unique in its ability to provide all these elements.":: Friday, October 20, 2000 :: XSLT.com -- "XSLT is a language for transforming XML documents into other XML documents." www.smalltalksystems.com sent me to Instantiations.com. Have a look at their Smalltalk offerings.:: Thursday, October 19, 2000 :: Unix Haters Release 2.0:: Tuesday, October 17, 2000 :: Links2Go: Python produces an amazingly good resource tree. Cetus Links: 18,872 Links on Objects and Components / Python Books About Python -- the "Python Bookstore" site at Python.org. Welcome to Digital Creations -- Publishers of Zope. Welcome to Zope.org Scintilla and SciTE. Scintilla is a free source code editing component. SciTE is a SCIntilla based Text Editor. ActiveState - Products - .NET (sigh!) includes stuff for "Perl.NET" and "Python.NET." Is there *no* escape? ActiveState - Products - ActivePython ActiveState - Products - ActivePython - Python Extensions For Windows (win32all) PythonLabs ~ Python 2.0 -- :Final" release is out! Deja.com: PyXML 0.6.1 is released Deja.com: Forum comp.lang.python.announce The Vaults of Parnassus: Python Resources is new to me, although it's adequately posted to [Top: Computers: Programming: Languages: Python] at Dmoz . Looks new to me! See The Vaults of Parnassus: Python Resources. Source-Navigator(TM)IDE works with the Insight GUI interface for GDB. Standards Now! The Web Standards Project: Fighting for Standards in our Browsers. Steve Holden's Website The Daily Python-URL! at Pythonware.com. Whisker: The O-O Stacking Browser has been updated to work with Squeak 2.7 and 2.8. Looks like it's getting better all the time. John Macintosh has started an account of Camp Smalltalk CS3 (OOPSLA 2000). Reminder: the W3C's Canonical XML Version 1.0 Working Draft. Reminder: current W3C Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Second Edition) specification. Reminder: The W3C's Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) 1.1 specification.:: Monday, October 16, 2000 :: Open Source PDA Platforms -- Compaq iPAQ H3600 Source code for Sun's OpenOffice suite is now available at www.openoffice.org.:: Friday, October 13, 2000 :: iPAQLinux.com -- Put some Linux in your hand handhelds.org -- Home Page Greg Haerr's Microwindows and NanoGUI Page Techdirt. Some *very* interesting designs for handheld devices: CEATEC Photos. Open Directory - Computers: Data Formats: Markup Languages: XHTML and cHTML = Compact HTML are now possible competitors to WML for WAP, which appears to be undergoing a "redefinition," due to the competitive i-Mode technology now sweeping Japan.:: Thursday, October 12, 2000 :: Moved GrepNinjaLog to https://cyberjet.tripod.com/grepninjalog/. I am moving grepninjalog from http://employees.exobox.com/jtobler/grepninjalog/ to https://cyberjet.tripod.com/grepninjalog/. That will now be the official location. This older location will not be updated in future.:: Wednesday, October 11, 2000 :: I just registered at WikiWeb. They have Wikis for Smalltalk, Pocket Smalltalk, Java, etc. PocketSmalltalk Wiki Welcome to Pocket Java(tm) -- under construction and references Pocket Smalltalk. The main Cygwin project page. GCC Development Tools -- Here's what the Palm OS site says:PRC-Tools is a complete compiler tool chain for building Palm OS® applications in C or C++. It is free software. The PRC-Tools package includes patched versions of the GNU packages GCC, binutils, and gdb, along with various post-linker tools to produce Palm OS .PRC files. PilRC is now at Aaron Ardiri's Site. "PilRC is an application that takes a resource script file and generates one or more binary resource files that are to be used when developing for the Palm Computing Platform. PilRCUI gives you a preview of your resource file.":: Tuesday, October 10, 2000 :: JBuilder 3.5 Foundation for Linux Download -- "free download" but be sure to read the license. BlueBookImplementationTOC Dwight Hughes Website -- Dwight is a serious Squeak Smalltalk programmer. Of particular note on his site, be sure to check out Part 4: The Implementation, Chapters 26-30 from the Blue Book -- Smalltalk-80: The Language and Its Implementation by Adele Goldberg and David Robson. This is rare and out-of-print material. Extremely important for true Smalltalkers!:: Monday, October 09, 2000 :: Oracle Sales Online - Welcome -- This is a "killer app" free service that is causing some serious problems for the competition.:: Thursday, October 05, 2000 :: Reminder: the Squeak Book is progressing toward publication. Key Extreme Programming (XP) practices: XPractices eXtreme Programming section at Indistrial Logic has pointers to XP information. XPDeveloper FrontPage appears to be a British Wiki devoted to Extreme Programming (XP). SOFT-22: Extreme Programming and Flexible Processes in Software Engineering Some XP consultants: eXtreme Programming at TriReme. The Extreme Programming Wiki contains an onging discussion and amplification of the 12 practices of Extreme Programming.:: Wednesday, October 04, 2000 :: Unofficial XP FAQ SourceForge: Project Info - PyUnit testing framework JUnit, Testing Resources for Extreme Programming XProgramming.com Extreme Programming: A Gentle Introduction. Extreme Programming:: Monday, October 02, 2000 :: XFce - XFce Desktop Environment - "a simple, light and efficient environment" for a Linux System. Symbian - Powering the heart of the wireless community -- Symbian Smartphone, etc. PC World.com | Phones and PDAs Merge at Wireless Show kuro5hin.org || Making the Perfect Moderation System -- description of Glasscode, a forum moderation system used on the Glasscode creator's half-empty: Mindless Drivel For The Masses site. The 6th Annual Interactive Fiction Competition -- This should be cool!
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