:: grepninjalog ::GrepNinja's weblog is a somewhat ordered collection of thoughts and resources mostly related to software engineering. It simply tracks what GrepNinja finds technologically useful, interesting, or amusing at some given point in time. Warning: high techno-geek factor! | ||||||||||||||||||||
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:: Friday, June 30, 2000 :: Sun is releasing an early access version of its "free" XSLT Compiler technology. Make sure you know what "free" means! Jon's Smalltalk Page - Jon Hylands worked at Interval and created a Smalltalk web browser. He is currently trying to get it released to the Squeak community. cs497rej: ObjectWebOverview covers a UIUC course project to create an object Swiki.:: Thursday, June 29, 2000 :: Welcome a new information appliance news site: infoapps is information appliances. This entry is just to make sure I have the Compaq iPAQ H3650 Color Pocket PC link recorded. Some think it's "the return of the Itsy." MySQL has been re-licensed under the GPL and is now on Source Forge. Here is a Yahoo Finance article on this change: VA Linux Forms Strategic Alliance With MySQL . Very interesting! MySQL has been GPL'd. See this article for details: Yahoo - VA Linux Forms Strategic Alliance With MySQL. An index of interesting papers on the Squeak Swiki: Papers and Articles. A List Apart is an email list plus website "for people who make websites. Issue No. 69, 23 June 2000, has this introductory XHTML article: Rated XHTML. A British magazine site, The Register offers this article: Microsoft describes its Java killer by Andrew Orlowski. Note the paragraph where Rusty Harold Elliot, maintainer of Cafe Au Lait, chastises M$ for not selecting Python instead of copycatting Java for its "new" and "innovative" language. Dave Winer's take on RSS 0.91. M$ has posted the new C# References in HTML.:: Wednesday, June 28, 2000 :: Interesting DDJ article on the I-opener hardware hacks: Under the Hood. New whiteboard technologies: This article says that M$'s new C# is "not based on a virtual machine model for moving byte code across a network": ZDNet: Inter@ctive Week: Microsoft's Movement In C Sharp Wierd site: Assembler.org. :: Tuesday, June 27, 2000 :: The Red Herring's Red Eye thinks this one will be big: Zaplet by FireDrop: Communicate, collaborate, and get things done. Squeak as an "Active Desktop" SmalltalkSource.org Main Page - a new site "intended to provide facilities, support, and in general some kind of place to come together for Open Source Smalltalk projects." The enemy's new clothes: Visual Studio Next Generation: Web Forms. The Rapidly Changing Face of Computing Technology Journal -- radio index See the sections on RCFoC Radio and iAppliances! RCFoC for June 19, 2000 - The Tale of the Page and the Period. The Itsy reborn: Amazon.com: buying info: Compaq iPAQ H3650 Color Pocket PC.:: Monday, June 26, 2000 :: John K. Ousterhout John Ousterhaut's famous article on scripting: Scripting: Higher Level Programming for the 21st Century. Welcome to the Open Book Project, a "community effort to create a living guide to the planning, installation, and operation of a Linux system." Authors must agree to the IDG Books Open Content License. In May, Web Review published a fairly decent pair of reviews of Dave Raggett's HTML Tidy (HTML Tidy: Keeping it Clean) and the HTML-Kit editor (webreview.com - HTML-Kit: Nice 'N Tidy). These are two of my favorite tools. Besides, I'm in Dave's list of HTML Tidy contributors. XML in 10 points Open Directory - Computers: Software: Internet: Clients: Chat: IRC Another recommended site about Internet Relay Chat (IRC). You will find a great IRC info site at Irchelp.org, with a FAQ index at Just the (IRC) FAQs. Hillarious! See Fool.com: Palm IX Hits Retail Stores, Wows Consumers (Fun & Folly) June 20, 2000. Linux Today - Joe Pranevich: Wonderful World of Linux 2.4 Final Candidate #4 5/12/00 (aka the "Steel City Update"):: Friday, June 23, 2000 :: A complete log of Jabber IRC Activity is available. A complete log of Jabber IRC Activity is available.
A few select Ted Nelson links::: Thursday, June 22, 2000 :: An article on ubiuitous computing: Project Aims To Simplify Computers (6/21/2000). Refactoring Browser News is a HyperNews feed about the Refactoring Browser (RB, RefBrowser). A patent on the hyperlink? Apparently, British Telecommunications (BT) believes they have one: BT flexes muscles over U.S. hyperlink patent. The SqueakNOS project Swiki. iSupportLive.com-One on One customer support for free. - the non-commercial version is "absolutely free." If you want to put up with banners, this might be OK for freeware/OpenSource projects. AntiCrash at JARS "is a Java applet which is developed in order to prevent Windows95/98 from crashing at all. Fixes the main BUG problem of Win9X ; poor memory management and unstable Explorer.exe. Frees up ram, making the pc run nicer and smoother. No more lock ups while surfing caused by shortage of memory. It loads on your Windows desktop and povides each application with its own memory link, so if one program crashes by chance the other is not affected and continues to run." JDoodle at JARS is "an interactive multi-user whiteboard and chat application. Looks like there's no source code available, though. :-{ This is a link to the Jabber CVS archives: Index of /cvs. It has some files and transports, etc., that are experimental and not widely publicized. Linux on your TV: Indrema.com. Simon St. Laurent just published an article in XML.com arguing that XML may cause a few problems here and there: XML: A Disruptive Technology. Frederik Lundh of Pythonware has produced SOAP for Python, and you can get it here.:: Wednesday, June 21, 2000 :: SqueakOS Pocket Smalltalk & Pocket Java Paul Fernhout is a Smalltalk developer who does some things in Squeak: Kurtz-Fernhout Software. Welcome to Roarr.com Here is a Squeak Swiki page for Squeak VmCommandLineOptions. It looks like Plan 9 is still alive. It is now distributed under the "Plan 9 License,", which they say is "basically an Open Source license.":: Tuesday, June 20, 2000 :: Portable Smalltalk Applications and ANSI Smalltalk Standard Eric Arsenau has a page for the Smalltalk Interchange File Facility at the Pocket Smalltalk site. Pocket Smalltalk is a ST implementation for the PalmPilot (with a development environment running on Windows 95/NT). Pocket Smalltalk can also generate "executable" .PRC files from Smalltalk source code. Free Protocols Foundation presents itself as an "independent public forum, dedicated to the support of patent-free protocols." Free Protocols Foundation presents itself as an "independent public forum, dedicated to the support of patent-free protocols." Article: The WAP Trap An Exposé of the Wireless Application Protocol. JitterBug is an OpenSource (GPL) web-based bug tracking system developed by Andrew Tridgell for Samba bug reporting. A Jabber competitor mentioned in NTKnow does instant messaging (IM) via several commercial protocols (AIM, ICQ, & Yahoo): EveryBuddy!. Xml.com published this article by Edd Dumbill, its Managing Editor, on XML.com - The State of XML. xiph.org: Ogg Vorbis "is a fully Open, non-proprietary, patent-and-royalty-free, general-purpose compressed audio format for high quality (44.1-48.0kHz, 16+ bit, polyphonic) audio and music at fixed and variable bitrates from 16 to 128 kbps/channel. This places Vorbis in the same class as audio representations including MPEG-1 audio layer 3, MPEG-4 audio (AAC and TwinVQ), and PAC." In Crypto-gram -- June 15, 2000, cryptography expert Bruce Schneier disses SOAP and says it will "open up a whole new avenue for security vulnerabilities." With M$ and DCOM lapping up SOAP, Schneier is probably right. While I like the idea of an XML-based protocol for inter-object communications across distributed networks, Bruce's security concerns are not necessarily misplaced. .:: Monday, June 19, 2000 :: This article was recommended to the netverse-friends list: Project: VRML - Webspace and Representation. Netverse is an open source project "to develop the infrastructure software inspired by the Metaverse technology described in Neal Stephenson's Snow Crash.":: Friday, June 16, 2000 :: I just got a new update of the code for the SUnit Camp Smalltalk Module. AOL released a statement today (16 June 2000) regarding access to the AOL Instant Messager service: Open IM Architecture Design. AOL has deservedly come under severe criticism for its various attempts to block outside access. Go, Jabber, go!!!!! Welcome to internet.com's Linux/Open Source Channel. Extreme Programming in the Quick-change Era - Software Development: UML World 2000 Show Daily report. Here are some links related to the Java VM: A site for The CVS Book. The author and publisher have made several chapters available online for free. The published version is titled, Open Source Development with CVS and the author is Karl Fogel. Finnix 0.03 Peanut Linux is a FREE Premium LINUX Operating System. that fits in 148 Mb footprint, with a 48Mb download. Peanut uses Kernel 2.2.16, ICE, and the KDE GUI.:: Wednesday, June 14, 2000 :: You can find some links to IBM information about Linux at the IBM - Netfinity site. In particular, check out the Redbooks, click on the "Redbooks Online", and put "Linux" in as your search string. UML World 2000 has the daily report on this conference, which runs from June 12th through June 15th.:: Tuesday, June 13, 2000 :: Xmlsoft.org maintains libxml, the XML library provided in the Gnome framework. Xmlsoft.org maintains libxml, the XML library provided in the Gnome framework. I'm not sure what this is for but it showed up in a message on the Jabber JDEV list related to a transport for Yahoo: gtkyahoo/. Scriptics has changed its name to Ajuba Solutions, which now manages the development and distribution of Tcl/Tk.:: Friday, June 09, 2000 :: Official NetHack Home Page -- a favorite geek ASCII game. Article: O'Reilly Network: Crystal Space: 3D for Free. A free 3D graphics engine originally created by Jorrit Tyberghein, lives on. 4xt.org -- "Welcome to 4xt.org, a site of resources for XT (a Java XSLT processor), by and for XT users, powered by XT." XML.com has a great section on XML.com - Instruction. Don't forget to see the tutorials. Erlug Webzine is a great Italian Linux site that has an excellent list of Linux resources.:: Thursday, June 08, 2000 :: Linuxpower.com is a great new news and information site about Linux. Lots of good resources here, folks! Motherboard HomeWorld looks like a great hardware information resource. Bluefish HTML Editor - is described as "a GTK HTML editor for the experienced web designer. For *nix only.:: Wednesday, June 07, 2000 :: Gooey is a website chat and IM app. Odigo is an IM provider. freeIM.org appears to be a commercially-motivated group trying to motivate adoption of open access between instant messaging software solutions. They have a petition and are doing some lobbying in this regard. Dr.Bob's Kylix Kicks ProcessTree is a "For-Pay Distributed Processing Network. I saw this coming a long time ago when things like Distributed.net and Seti@home came on the scene. There is another new one: PopularPower.com. Another OpenSource Community site: Advogato.:: Tuesday, June 06, 2000 :: Lucid Programmer's Oasis - Lucid Some Core War Pages: Web Brain - They say it is "The Smartest Way to See the Web." This is from the people who brought you Thebrain.com, a thought processor. Macintosh Toolbox Essentials(IM:Tb):: Monday, June 05, 2000 :: Article: webreview.com - Object-Oriented Programming with PHP. Festival at CMU -- Festival and speech synthesis at CMU (most of this work is done within the framework of Edinburgh University's Festival Speech Synthesis System. Here is the Edinburg site for Festival. Festival: US mirror at CMU -- open-source speech synthesis for Linux!:: Friday, June 02, 2000 :: This Swiki message contains the EToys sequence needed to be a Squeak Test Pilot or Guinea Pig: Squeak 2.8 Alpha Testing. Virtual-FX.net is a useful site for flash developers. It contains flash-related tutorials, news articles, links, resources, games, etc. Usability article: StudioWorks -["Usability Vs. Interactivity on the Web"]. A nifty Linux hardware resource! See the Linux Hardware Database.
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