:: grepninjalog ::GrepNinja's weblog is a somewhat ordered collection of thoughts and resources mostly related to software engineering. It simply tracks what GrepNinja finds technologically useful, interesting, or amusing at some given point in time. Warning: high techno-geek factor! | ||||||||||||||||||||
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:: Wednesday, May 31, 2000 :: Good reference: WebReference.com - The Webmaster's Reference Library: Web Site Design Tips and Tutorials. Windows Sockets Error reference: Appendix C: WinSock Error Reference (continued). For some strange reason, I am now an "At Large Member" of this outfit: ICANN AT LARGE MEMBERSHIP. Have I been tainted by the Dark Side of the Force? I hope not but I'm not sure anyone can exert enough positive influence on ICANN. Nick Bradbury, creator of Homesite, strikes again! See Bradsoft TopStyle. Some Gnutella coders are now attacking search. They have created a new search engine and have put up a "proof of technology" demo at Infrasearch.com. Here is an article on this: CNET.com - News - Entertainment & Media - Napster-like technology takes Web search to new level. AOL's TiK/ToC Protocol:: Tuesday, May 30, 2000 :: Guido van Rossum is moving his Python activity to a new employer: BeOpen.com: The Open Source Applications Portal. Guido and several well-known Pythoneers also have a new webpage at http://www.pythonlabs.com/. kuro5hin.org || technology and culture, from the trenches Bertrand Meyer's disagreements with the open-source movement: March 2000 Feature: The Ethics of Free Software. Meyer created the Eiffel programming language.:: Friday, May 26, 2000 :: The Tao of Programming "XML.com - Shaken, But Not That Stirred" is an article about XML protocols. Edd Dumbill, the author, discusses some less than favorable reactions to the SOAP and XML-RPC initiatives currently being pushed by Userland, Microsoft, etc. On Xml.com, see "XML.com - AxKit: XML Web Publishing with Apache and mod_perl," an article about AxKit, which is an open-source, mod_perl and Apache-based XML content delivery solution. Here's a Jabber site I forgot about: Hotjabber.com. Inevitable but some geek sites are missing::: Thursday, May 25, 2000 :: Definitions from Jabber.org:Services (aka Agents) Here are some key Jabber transports: One of the better written articles on "The GIF Controversy: A Software Developer's Perspective". Stunnel homepage and Stunnel FAQ. Stunnel is an "SSL encryption wrapper between remote client and local (inetd-startable) or remote server." O'Reilly Network: XUL Tools and What They Mean WebTools for Browsers: MozillaQuest: Building Your Own Browser Part I This artical was written for VisualBasic but might have some interesting ideas for a more general approach: Create Persistent Objects With XML.:: Wednesday, May 24, 2000 :: Inxight Software makes Site Lens and Table Lens and other hyperbolic tree-based products.:: Monday, May 22, 2000 :: The new spec for Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) 1.1. Also, here is the final release of SAX, version 2. Web Workshop - Custom Error Messages with Internet Information Server 4.0 Here are some doozie error messages. Please do not do this to your users! Isys Information Architects Interface Hall of Shame. OTOH, Isys also presents Writing Effective Error Messages. What Is...a List of Common Internet Error Messages (a Summary) Jan Theodore Galkowski has started some Swiki pages on LiterateSqueaking. Have a look, also, at ToonTalk - Making programming child's play.:: Friday, May 19, 2000 :: LyX is "an advanced open source document processor." I have heard that LyX is either currently using or plans to use XML as an internal document format. I'm just starting to research this. Some Jabber articles: The New Language of Appliances is an interesting editorial at Smatrcomputing.com on the new movement "from desktop to countertop." Worth reading. XML: XML All-purpose Protocol (XAP): A Proposed Protocol to Declare Server Schemas "is complementary to the pure transport protocols such as SOAP, and even simplifies some matters." See XML All-purpose Protocol. The XML Cover Pages: SGML and XML News is part of the XML Cover Pages, sponsored at http://www.oasis-open.org/.:: Thursday, May 18, 2000 :: Interesting reading: XML-DEV Namespace names and URIs.:: Tuesday, May 16, 2000 :: Tim Berners-Lee recently started an XML-URI email list: xml-uri@w3.org from May 2000: Welcome to the XML-URI list. Slashdot | Making Linux Easy With Eazel's Andy Hertzfeld. An interesting article on The real-life cyber adventures of Maddog, Jon Hall, appeared in The Telegraph Online, a Nashua, NH, publication. A new Jabber site, Hotjabber.com - Get the message, is oriented more towards beginners and supplies some helpful documentation. Apparently, the site promotes WinJab and tries to make it easy for new people to get started. Nautilus is one of the key projects currently being promoted by Eazel.com: Nautilus - The GNOME Graphical Shell and File Manager. Nautilus is "an open-source file manager and graphical shell," and is part of the GNOME project. ZDNet has a developed new set of resources. You can get to them from the ZDNet: IT Resource Centers - main page.:: Monday, May 15, 2000 :: An XML gateway to a directory - DSMLGateway is an xml-rpc server for accessing an LDAP directory.:: Friday, May 12, 2000 :: SpiroGraph resources: StackFrame Weblog -- "Serving up information, opinion and hot-links about hard-core software development...". Here's the link to Dave Winer's XML-RPC: XML-RPC Home Page. The Document Object Model Dissected offers an explanation of the DOM. Coverage is somewhat simplistic, which is good for an introductory DOM article. This tutorial article, "Introducing WML and WMLScript," is hosted on the Webreference.com site. It includes information on how to setup and operate the Nokia WAP Toolkit. This looks like a good article on Groves: XML.com - Groves Explained. mozillaZine published an article, "Mozilla's XML Support Compared to Other Browsers " that reported that Simon St. Laurent has a new XML Browser Comparison Chartat XML.com which compares the extent of XML support in the latest browsers. Mozilla compares very favorably, supporting more features on the chart than the other browsers. XSLT support is not there yet, but it's coming, thanks to the great work of Mozilla's volunteeer developers. The Wappy site has some free membership-based WAP services, including EasyWAP, WAPredirect, and Wapsilon, a WAPbrowser. AnywhereYouGo.com used to be Waptastic.com. This site is for products and information about WML including a tutorial, a tag-by-tag WML Reference, Glossary, etc. Forum WAP is the main Nokia forum site for WAP application developers. There are links to documentation, as well as Nokia WAP developer tools, etc. WAPtor is a simple but powerful WML editor by Waptop. WAP browser @ Gelon.net. xmlproc is a free, OpenSource, nearly complete SAX-based XML parser written in Python. Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 Specification. Here is the abstract: Developer news from the XML community: <?xmlhack?>. This "zine" site has lots of useful information for XML developers.:: Thursday, May 11, 2000 :: This is a pretty cool net news site with an open service API: Meerkat: An Open Wire Service. This looks like a definite reader: O'Reilly Network: Meerkat: An Open Service API. A free HTML to PDF converter: FreePDF Engine 0.10a. Important info article on dll incompatibility: A Snowball's Chance for DLL Hell.:: Wednesday, May 10, 2000 :: Use Linux configuration files to personalize your system. Linux 101: RPM files explained. Heres the W3C Spec for Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) 1.1.:: Tuesday, May 09, 2000 :: This is the W3C's page about libxml, a.k.a. gnome-xml, the main Gnome library for XML processing.:: Monday, May 08, 2000 :: Petite - Win32 Executable Compressor -- Compressed executables decompress themselves at run time. Virus detection included. An alternative interface for Deja Power Search. CodeColorizer -- The online source code syntax highlighter for ASP C/C++ Clipper Delphi HTML Java JavaScript Pascal Visual Basic -- Note that this is offered through http://www.chami.com/ (makers of HTML-Kit). The Cluetrain folks record that Dack Ragus considers Mark Hurst "the Yoda of User Experience. Hurst has a Creative Good site and weblog that may be good starting points for checking out this assertion. This XML news source, xmlhack: developer news from the XML community, was linked from Eclectic, "The XML-DEV weblog". This is the Temporary home for the Camp Smalltalk Refactoring Browser Squeak Port, being done by Bob Hartwig.:: Friday, May 05, 2000 :: Georgia Tech Squeak Students' Cases. This is Eric S. Raymond (ESR's) site for Jargon File Resources. Esr writes that this site is "as official as anything associated with the Jargon File gets." Here are some of the Georgia Tech students' results: Newspaper Sharing - Spring 2000. Squeak students at Georgia Tech faced the following challenge: Spring 2000 Project Assignment Description. David N. Smith's Squeak Page - Many useful goodies, including an printf()-like Formatter for Squeak, a TT800 Random Number Generator, a HangMan game, code for filing IBM Smalltalk applications into Squeak, code for hiding and showing automatic updates in a Change Set Browser, etc.:: Thursday, May 04, 2000 :: Here is the lxr cross-reference of Linux Source Code. Linux Cross-Reference (lxr) is a new utility for viewing and cross-referencing relatively large CVS code repositories.:: Wednesday, May 03, 2000 :: Here are the main links for the CVST Project sites: XML.Smalltalk.org Main Page - "Enhancing all versions of Smalltalk with XML." A Swiki page was started for an investigation into using the new M$-sponsored SOAP XML RPC protocol with Squeak. More on Jabber, today. First, a list of indexes to various Jabber Archives: Here are some references on the Wireless Application Protocol (WAP), an XML-based spec for communicating with wireless devices such as appropriately equipped cellular telephones.:: Tuesday, May 02, 2000 :: An interesting advanced tutorial Squeak project: Squeak as Web Server. Well, after looking at some small archive files, I've decided to archive monthly. Just changed the setting. Look at this again; it's a port of the SUnit testing framework for Squeak. I just changed the number of days to display on the main page from 14 to 30. I'm still archiving weekly. I needed to answer a post about Charles Babbage's Analytical Engine and found a Java Applet Emulator for the Analytical Engine. The W3C's Introduction to HTML 4 contains a good description of URI's. What Is...a URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) (a definition) Uniform Resource Names (URN) Progress Report Purveyor Administrator's Guide - Uniform Resource Locators rfc1630 - Universal Resource Identifiers in WWW: A Unifying Syntax. And this: Web Naming and Addressing Overview (URIs, URLs, ...). Today I'm researching URI's and URL's a bit so we'll be looking at sites like this: URI::URL - Uniform Resource Locators (absolute and relative).
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