:: grepninjalog ::GrepNinja's weblog is a somewhat ordered collection of thoughts and resources mostly related to software engineering. It simply tracks what GrepNinja finds technologically useful, interesting, or amusing at some given point in time. Warning: high techno-geek factor! | |||||||||||||||||||||||
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:: Friday, April 28, 2000 :: The FPC-Lazarus Project is creating class libraries for Free Pascal that emulate Delphi (licensed under the LGPL).:: Thursday, April 27, 2000 :: XDBM, by Bowerbird Computing, is an embedded XML Database Manager. Inevitable, but so quickly? See the new SOAP Weblog. Here's the SOAP specification. I'm not sure what I think of this yet. Read this again -- even if you haven't read it yet: Free, anonymous information on the anarchists' Net. This looks like an interesting article on OpenSource theory: Setting Up Shop. BugNet, The World's Leading Provider of Software Bug Fixes. CRC Press has generously given permission to make all chapters of the Handbook of Applied Cryptography available for free download, subject to the terms of this copyright notice. The book site also has a great related Useful links page. JPL has a technical reports server at http://jpltrs.jpl.nasa.gov/. BeOpen.com: The Open Source Applications Portal describes itself as follows (in its "About Us" page):: Wednesday, April 26, 2000 ::BeOpen.com develops online communities of Open Source application users, developers and interested parties through our network of portal websites. The Company also offers support and custom development for specific Open Source applications to major corporations and governmental entities. The Open Source Cooperative Categorical Search Engine -- Opilio Announced. Developed in Frontier. This is in the fold of Dave Winer's Userland.com venture (also see Scripting News, EditThisPage.com, Weblogs.com, My.Userland.Com, etc. Perhaps the first, if not only, of its kind: PS-HTTPD - a webserver written in Postscript!. Validate your HTML and XHTML with the free W3C HTML Validation Service.:: Tuesday, April 25, 2000 :: Linux 101: Use tar files to customize application installations:: Monday, April 24, 2000 :: xiph.org: Ogg Vorbis - Ogg Vorbis is a fully Open, non-proprietary, patent-and-royalty-free, general-purpose compressed audio format for high quality (44.1-48.0kHz, 16+ bit, polyphonic) audio and music at fixed and variable bitrates from 16 to 128 kbps/channel.:: Friday, April 21, 2000 :: Here's an article on the GIF controversy: Time to Dump the GIF. So, again, here is the PNG (Portable Network Graphics) Home Site. Time to convert! Well, it certainly looks like it is time to Burn All GIFs. Unisys appears to be getting beastly about its GIF patent. They have a right to do that but "we," the computing and Internet communities, have the right to drop their technology like the hot potato it is.:: Thursday, April 20, 2000 :: Cdrom.com has a good site on PNG (Portable Network Graphics) Home Site. Les Tyrrell's Squeak Wiki at UIUC - Squeak: An Open Smalltalk for the New World Order. A rather interesting Squeak project: Squeak:The Visible Squeak. Here is a link to some Linux/Unix-only Squeak VM work - OSProcess.:: Wednesday, April 19, 2000 :: Looks like Bruce Perens has a new news and interaction site -- TECHNOCRAT.NET. Perens is one of the big mouths behind the OpenSource as meme movement.:: Tuesday, April 18, 2000 :: Here is the main site for obtaining details on The Jabber XML Protocol. Mark Guzdial's draft for the coming Squeak book: Chapters For Review.
The osOpinion site has a great article on Jabber: osOpinion: The New Face of Instant Messaging..:: Monday, April 17, 2000 :: Old Space a place to die? -- A John McIntosh article (Garbage Collecting III). new: Where's the Beef? -- A John McIntosh article (Garbage Collecting II). Controlling VisualWorks NewSpace -- A John McIntosh article (Garbage Collecting I). Fileboss - check this out (at leisure). Article: Internet Appliance Network acquires MyInternetDesktop.com to add virtual desktop functionality to Internet devices. Internet Appliance Network (IAN) - now promoting MyInternetDesktop.com. Virginconnect - Internet appliance scheme -- the first 10,000 are "free!" MyInternetDesktop.com - The applications you need. - Any where. Any time. Any device. - Wave of the future? MSDN Online: XML Developer Center Extensible Markup Language (XML) - This is w3.org's main center for XML activity. This is probably *the* main XML site. xmlTree - The only directory of XML content on the Web XML Zone Project Cool's XML Zone:: Friday, April 14, 2000 :: DriverGuide.com (printer drivers, cdrom drivers, modem drivers, sound drivers, mouse drivers, monitor drivers, etc.) - DriverGuide.com The DLL Archive - Another location/mirror for this site. The DLL Archive - Seems like there are several of these. This is one. DLL Star - may help you locate all those missing Windows dll files (Blech! Blech!).:: Wednesday, April 12, 2000 :: The Metatopia Project - Another cyberverse project but farther along than most. I'm working a bit with Jabber. We have an experimental server set up. Clients are really shaky right now but I was able to connect to jabber.org via the WinJab client and communicated with one other person in a group. Cool! I see a lot of potential in Jabber -- it's worth investigating. I'm not having such good luck with the other clients -- perhaps I just don't know how to use them yet. In particular, I'm a bit annoyed with the Tcl/Tk client; I can *almost* use it.:: Tuesday, April 11, 2000 :: Jabber.org: Jabber Developers - main developers' news area. Jabber.org: - Here's the page for the Jabber protocol. To quote from the page, "Jabber is an Instant Messaging System, similar to ICQ or AIM, yet far different. It is open-source, absolutely free, simple, fast, extensible, modularized, cross platform, and created with the future in mind. Jabber has been designed from the ground up to serve the needs of the end user, satisfy business demands, and maintain compatibility with other messaging systems." Squeak Plugin Download FindLaw Tech Deals - Highly recommended by our BusDev guy. The Joust Outliner - This is a very cool JavaScript website navigation system. It's free and basically unencumbered.:: Friday, April 07, 2000 :: HtmlStream - The site for HTMLStream, a tutorial referenced in the April 2000 Java Developers Journal, pp. 68 - 76. How To Write Unmaintainable Code - This one's worth reading for any programmer BUT NOT TO USE FOR CODING EXAMPLES! No cut & paste from this site, please! Tim Rowledge's homepage - Tim is a serious Squeaker. He mostly works on VM changes and ports, especially for the Acorn and several handheld devices.:: Thursday, April 06, 2000 :: x.themes.org - Theme resources for XWindows. Eye Candy III - Squeak Morphic tutorial. Eye Candy III - part of a Squeak Morphic tutorial. CNET.com - News - The Net - Court: Programming languages covered by First Amendment - an article about an April 2000 federal appeals court decision "finding that computer code qualifies as speech protected by the First Amendment.":: Wednesday, April 05, 2000 :: Software Process Resource Collection Annotated Bibliography on Code Reading and Program Comprehension - Lots of good information here! An Annotated Bibliography for Object-Oriented Analysis and Design - a serious bibliography! Morphic Sample - The Scrabble Game Morphic - The Squeak User Interface Studio - The homepage of Lucia and Juan Manuel Vuletich, including some Squeak information.:: Tuesday, April 04, 2000 :: Internet.com - Internet information network. VNC - Virtual Network Computing from AT&T - Did I bookmark this site before? If not, I'd better do it now. This is an *important* tool! Software Design - Windows Software by Gregory Braun - New full-service website for Greg, who produces freeware and shareware (including FontShow, BattleStar, Dll Show, File Shredder, etc.:: Monday, April 03, 2000 :: The Prefab Widget Set - A Tk-like widget set for Squeak.
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